PIETRO RIPARBELLI / PT-R/K 11 profile picture


PT-R _ K 11

About Me

VISIT MY NEW WEB SITE www.pt-r.com
I’m dedicating to sound study related to the environment, with particular reference to concrete music, to phenomenology of perception and invisible phenomena.Currently I’m dedicating to the world of radio transmission and communication using only sound sources from short wave radio receivers and other types of signals.PT-R and K 11 are two parallel projects.PT-R is a project that deals with the way to create sound landscapes making the use of environmental sounds (field recordings). In this project I use only sounds coming from the world.K 11 is a project that deals with the world of radio signals, the trans-communication and other invisible phenomena, to create a dimension where the only sound sources are signals from shortwave radio receivers. In this project I use only sounds coming from the atmosphere and from invisible places.
-- "Music from the ionosphere" - 2008 Radical Matters Ed/L - Enrico Fornello gallery
-- "Radiodrama" - 2008 Radical Matters in collaboration with: Bad Sector, Strange attractor, Clausthome, Simm-el, galerie Shallshutz, gruppo psicofonico di Grosseto.
-- "To Seek" - 2007 Radical Matters
-- " Aus Schlafes Bruder" -2006 in collaboration with:Massimo Bartolini . Fundacio Antoni Tapies (Barcelona)
-- "Atrocity" -2005 Radical Matters
--Music performance, D’amelio Terras Contemporary art gallery, New York (U.S.). During the exhibition opening by the artist Massimo Bartolini. 2008
-- Sound Installation “Waiting for the darkness”, Px4 International sound art festival curated by: Nicola Catalano, Piombino (LI) 2008
-- Collaboration with Nico Vascellari, “Untitled”, Manifesta 7 – Manifattura tabacchi – Rovereto (TN) 2008
-- Sound installation/performance, “Drosoulites” ad’a. area d’azione curated by Roberto Daolio. Imola 2008
-- Live-set, MAMbo in collaboration with Massimo Bartolini, Bologna. 2008
--Live-set-performance "Music from the ionosphere" 2008 Enrico Fornello gallery (PO)
--Sound installation "Soundshape Algiz" 2008 Enrico Fornello gallery (PO)
--Sound Installations "Camera Sonora for 4 radiodramas" 2007 PX3
--Live performance "Signs of the landscape" 2007 Centro d'arte contemporanea, palazzo delle Papesse (SI)
--Sound Installation with Massimo Bartolini "Aus Schlafes Bruder" Fundacio Tapies -2007 Santiago Con-postela.
--Live-set, "construction"at live IXEM-06
--Sound Installation with Massimo Bartolini "Aus Schlafes Bruder" Fundacio Tapies -2006 Barcelona.
--Live/performance "ATROCITY" Base progetti per l'arte (FI) 2006.
--Sound installation "Atmosphere", Galleria Neon Campobase (BO) 2005
-- 11° Biennale Young artists of Europe and the countryes - Cosmos, Athen 2003
Soundshape_01 - ALGIZ Sound Installation - Enrico Fornello Gallery (PO)
Music from the ionosphere -2008- live-set-performance - Enrico Fornello Gallery (PO)
D'AMELIO TERRAS contemporary art gallery, 525 W 22nd St New York, NY 10011 Performance on Saturday October 4: Pietro Riparbelli will play percussions and sound sources from Charles Ives's Piano Sonata No. 2. during the exhibition opening by Massimo Bartolini: Concert room with voices October 4 – November 1, 2008
PIETRO RIPABELLI/K 11 - Radiodrama "Collapse" - with sound sources of signals by: Bad Sector, Clausthome,Strange Attractor, Galerie Schallschutz, Gruppo psicofonico di Grosseto, Ssim-el.
Composed by PietroRiparbelli/Massimo Bartolini
Sax: Edoardo Marraffa
2007 Fundaciò Antoni Tàpies - Barcelona

My Interests


Member Since: 12/26/2006
Band Website: pt-r.com
Sounds Like: Drosoulites (the dew men) - 2008 -ad'a Imola, curated by Roberto Daolio. Sound performance and sound installation with short wave radio receivers and with two runic sound sculptures (Soundshape_2-3_Ansuz_Thorisaz) used as audio speakers of the event. MUSIC FROM THE IONOSPHERE - 2008 Enrico Fornello Gallery (PO). Live-set-performance with signals from short wave radio receivers. Sound Installation: Camera sonora for 4 radiodramas - at Sound art festival:PX3 2007 in collaboration with Bad Sector “Camera Sonora for 4 Radiodramas” is an audio installation based on the transmission of four Radiodramas and it’s composed by a dark room where are disposed six old radios, (precisely conceived for a spatialization of the sound) through which , each day, it is transmitted a special Radiodrama created by four artists: Pietro Riparbelli/PT-R (with audio sound sources by: Bad Sector / Strange Attractor / Clausthome / Galerie Schallschutz / gruppo psicofonico di Grosseto / Ssim-el), Massimo Magrini (Bad Sector), Gianluca Becuzzi, Radical Matters – Edition Label (that presents: Aleksander Kolkowski / Project D.A.R.K. / A.M.K / Lt Murnau / Globster). Camera Sonora is a place conceived for the listening; to concentrate the attention on the pure experience of listening. A sound place not contaminated by any visual presence, in the inner of which our behaviour is induced towards the perception of the sound as a pre-reflexive dimension. This work deals with the world of radio transmission and communication, with a particular attention for the traditional formats of radiodrama. The project is composed by four different “dramatization”, which are developping as “way-for”, signs of a dimension lacking of its own wholeness, in its being exclusively an experience. Our perception of things takes us to adhere precisely to the same. It's only the introduction of the thought in the perception that detaches us from this co-belonging. The thought catalogues; the perception adheres.AUS SCHLAFES BRUDER" Installation: Fondacio ANTONI TAPIES- Barcelona (ESP) 2006 Centro galego de arte contemporanea - Santiago de compostel-la (ESP) 2007Project : Massimo Bartolini Composed by Massimo Bartolini - Pietro Riparbelli - Edoardo Marraffa Saxophone : Edoardo Marraffa Sound engineer : Pietro Riparbelli ATROCITY -2005 live set based on real time sampling of sound materials capture live from the ambient and digitally re-elaborated. Besides concrete prerecorded sources, radios and prepared record players are used. While a performer acts in a room separated from the scene and her performance is projected in a mini monitor and contemporary reproduced audio in the global composition. The live set taken via webcam, projected on the scene and manipulated through digital algorithms. Base / Progetti per l'arte Con: Sandro Gronchi (Radical Matters) - sound sources / Margherita Moscardini - performer-sound source / Denyo Barani, Riccardo Bartoli - elaborazioni video / Fabio Volpi (Echran/ Otolab) - suoni. CONSTRUCTION" - PIETRO RIPARBELLI / PT-R live - 2006A set of radios are manipulated related to the video projection. This video consists of photographical documentation of a building process construction. The radio signals are manipulated and overlapped in relation to the audio score, which derive from video signal which has been transformed into an audio signal. "Construction" functions mainly as a perceptive exercise. It searches that dimension between the clear perception and the disturbed one. It wants to create a way that the user can develop in relation to his own horizon of sense.An overlapping of audio/video meaning contains a perceptive way in relation to the temporal development. All the used images of video are realized through a photocamera of a mobile telephone. CONSTRUCTION extract from video_dvd
Record Label: Radical Matters Ed/L
Type of Label: Indie