When I seen the end of life on Earth,
I set a circle of love and it set me;
love for the Air, Trees, Water, and Animals.
- Charles MansonOne World Order - you give the foundation of the mind in this- AIR IS GOD, because without AIR, we do not exist.
So AIR is no. 1 Order.
You don’t need a leader, you need intelligence.
You need intelligent mind, One Mind.
One Order to redeem AIR on planet EARTH.To redeem the AIR, your first and foremost friend is green.
Anything that’s green, like kelp, seaweed, the ocean’s contents, the bushes, the grass and most of all the TREE.
The people are at war with the trees, they’re cutting all the trees down.
The TREE is the second form of communication to the intelligent life form.AIR, TREES, and the WATER is our spirit.
Without the WATER the TREE cannot survive.
So we have to put up our protection for the green, the green things in life.All the green comes from the sunlight.
The Darwin Theory and all that stupid shit they teach you in school is bunk.
You come from the same place everything else comes from, you come from the SUN.
The SUN puts out all the energy that grows everything, including me and you, them and they and us.The World Order does not need a leader.
It just needs established in the intelligence of the mind, the body of the world and the soul.The mind, body and soul.
We need to heal the mind.
We need to heal the body and the soul.We must realize we are no better than the ANIMALS.
We are no better than the zoo.
We’ve got ourselves locked up in the zoo.All the people that are so-called living are really dead and there is no chance to redeem them.
But there is a chance to redeem the dead,
So we are an Order of Dead.
Dead man walking.
I am caveman.
I don’t believe I’ve ever been borned and I don’t believe I’ll ever die.
Because this body is not me.
I’m just in this body temporarily, traveling through this enclosure.The mind, the body and the soul is beyond the physical body.
The real Spiritual Soul is in the AIR, in the WATER.
It’s in every living thing - bugs, birds, TREES.
There is nothing it’s not in.
It’s complete and it’s the night, in the stars, the zodiacs and the novas that are going on for ETERNITY is the real eye. it’s the only real, it’s the only real, it’s the only thing that can be real, because it circles.The simplicity of the Order of ATWA is the Order of ALL LIFE and it’s just SURVIVAL.
-Charles Mac Manson , 2007
© One World Order/ATWA, 2008
''In 1967, we of the so-called "Manson Family" started the spectrum of colors into thought chambers related to the colors of the sky, earth, water, fire, plants, flowers, bugs, sea life and so on... The Earth is dying. We tried to tell you that twenty years ago but no one hears life on earth, they want it in outer space... Only a one world government will redeem ATWA on earth...''
- Charles Manson, 1986''When you look at things in a positive manner,everything can work out perfect. You know, like as fast man can go he is destroying everything he can destroy. The pace that he has picked up in sawing the trees down, killing the animals and shooting everything...You know, there's one thing I flashed on the other day: a police man took me over, and on his helmet, you know, right on his forhead, there's a beast, a bear, a bear beast on his forhead. And I say 'Well, can't the people see the mark of the beast? it's not a hard thing to see.''- Charles Manson, 1970''Get back to the horse.''- Charles Manson, 1969''Natural order is not up for debate, it exists independent of our thinking and is as physical a reality as gravity'' - Red
''Born into this imbalanced world of women's law in 1967, carrying Truth
over the threshold, he met thousands of young in the streets. I was
one of them. He stood our words up in Truth. He never broke our wills.
We put up our lives, and the symbol of one finger as alternative to
anarchy.He knew what anarchy would do to the Earth. She has been treated like
he has, by people too proud to look and too scared to see. He was
thinking Earth-balance before I was born, and in the 50s he set the
thought for International People's Court of Retribution so that
everyone will know what they've done to air, land, water and the soul
of the Earth.''
- Red, 1977