We are looking for local musicians to play @ our NEW Park BLVD cafe. If interested drop us a line, NOW!
RUSH, THE Stones, Drunk Metallica, Eddie Boyd, Roy Buchannon, Bob Marley mon, Neil Young, Raven, The Rods, Floyd, Michael Schenker U.F.O., OLD Santana,Ray Charles, Pixies, Cake, Uli Roth Scorpions, Aerosmith on junk, Bon Scott ac/dc, David Lee Roth Van Halen, Accept, Alberta Hunter, Otis Rush, Ozzy Sabbath, THE Beatles on LSD, Burnin' Spear, THE Dead, Peter Tosh, Etta James, High'n'Dry Def Leppard, Wilson Pickette, Fleetwood Mac w/ Peter Green, Two Gallants, Beastie Boyz, Al Green, Queen, Thin Lizzy, Shins, Tom Petty, Cream, Freddie King,Billie Holiday, Paul D'Anno Iron Maiden, Johnny Cash,Paul Butterfield & Michael Bloomfield, OLD Police,....... Did I mention RUSH?
<a href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vd3d3LnF1YW50Y
2FzdC5jb20vcC0wNS0tLXhvTmhUWFZj" target="_blank:>..</a>..
Hollywood is Evil!!