Quentin Bryantino profile picture

Quentin Bryantino

I am seriously begining to doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion.

About Me

If I run uphill I'm out of breath, If I spend all of my money I've got no money left, If I place all of my chips on only one bet, I'm all in,And it's a surefire bet I'm gonna die, So I'm taking up praying on Sunday nights, And it's not that I believe in your almight, But I might as well as insurance or bail,Cause institution's like a big bright lie, And it blinds you into fear and consuming and fight, And you've been in the desert underneath the charging sky, It's just you and God, But what if God's not there? But his name is on your dollar bill, Which just became cab fare,For the Evangelist, the Communist, the Lefts and the Rights, And the hypocrites and the Jesuits and the blacks and the whites, It's in the belly of the beast, In the Atlanta streets, Or up in Laurel Canyon, The verge of Middle East,Still they're dying on the dark continent, It's been happening long enough to mention it, Have I mentioned my parents are getting back together again, It's been 25 years, Of spreading infection, Somehow we're not affected,So my mom, she brushes her hair, And my dad starts growing Bob Dylan's beard, And I share with my friends a couple of beers, In the Orlando streets, In the belly of the beast~I am Polish and Vietnamese. My father was born in Dearborn, Michigan in 1923. He was a fighter pilot in world war II, the Vietnam war, and the Korean war. He met my mother during the Vietnam war. I was brought up mormon till I was 14, then I moved out. I prefer the west coast, but I do endear certain things about the east coast. I like meeting people who aren't wrapped up in themselves. Oh we're so very, precious you and I. I know I could write a book. Reading is my salvation. I have a penchant for amalgamating words. I like sunsets but sunrises are better. I get hit on alot. Sometimes guys think i'm a girl. Sometimes girls think i'm a girl. I don't get it. I dispise Khaki's. I think there is good in everyone. I think that is what needs to be looked for in order to reach a social sense of upward mobility. I like to take things in stride. I can play guitar well. Relationships are communication. Call your mom, I hear she misses you. I feel 'oceanic'. I was a nominee in England's 2005 Rolling Stock Film Festival. http://westmidlands.ideasfactory.com/film_tv/features/featur e62.htm .. width="425" height="350" ..I am the mouse that squeeks. All you need is water, all you want is love.AIM = UbiquitousBryant.. Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds

My Interests

A man of genius makes no mistakes. His errors are volitional and are the portals of discovery- James Joyce. History is a lie agreed upon -Napoleon. Be cafeful what you pretend to be because you are what you pretend to be -Kurt Vonnegut. I haven't failed, I've found ten thousand ways that don't work -Benjamin Franklin. Imagination is more important that knowledge -Einstein. Push beyond what is familiar, Everything you can imagine is real -Pablo Picasso.I like reading that is visual. I just read some Science fiction for the first time. Stranger in a Strange land. I find it is true about fact being stranger than fiction anyways. Moderation is a constant. I'm into photography, music, fashion, nothing too new - nothing too old, never dated. Mark Ryden is fucking awesome(www.markryden.com). When I find something I like, I grow sentiment. However, I don't ever keep anything. I grew up around alot of Aviation. My father was a pilot. I love listening to people speak foreign languages. I used to run alot. I kinda wish I still did. I like coffee from Cafe' Trieste. I like movies that have subtitles. I don't mind walking. I take the muni all over this city. Sometimes it clears my mind. I like helping people. I like seeing what is out in this world. Vocabulary intrigues me. I love different writing styles. I have always tried to take things apart and put them back together since I was a little kid. My mom hated that. "Bryant, put the VCR back together so we can watch a movie". Agressive behavior is triggered by warmer weather. Objects of affixiation become dead bulky weight. Sentiment is placed in objects that only slow us down, but what a ride. It is needy, clingy and requires variegated worth in attention. A vintage purist will tell you that anything within the past 15 years is referred to as contemporary. I always overdress and am obsessed with aesthetics and assesories. Also form over function has proven very functional if that makes sense, if not I can explain. Traveling is calling my name.

I'd like to meet:

People. Perspective people. If you can say something smart that would make me very happy. I meet alot of people. Part of my perspective is from what I've learned from them. If you add me you should message me a few times. We only part to meet again.


The Kinks, The Zombies, Feel Good Music, Peter Tosh, U-Roy, Arlo Guthrie, Chad and Jeremy, Johnny and Santos, Ray Boneville, Bright eyes, Iron and Wine, The Bravery, The Killers, Elliot Smith, Tom Petty, The Apples in Stereo, Belle and Sebastian, Brian Eno of course and T-Rex, Johnny Cash, Bobby Dylan, Bobby Marley, The Sounds, Johnny Marrs' guitar work is still as uncomprehensible as Billy Corgan's solo guitar work, Blur is wonderful, Stereo Lab, Franz Ferdinand, Elliot Smith, The Autumns are my favorite local band, The Libertines/The Strokes, Frank Black+ or - the Pixies, Gong, Television, Steven Malkamus + or - Pavement, Radiohead has surprised me, Velvet Underground too but when you just wanna have a good life, Supergrass is always appropriate. I am working on a new solo project. I have traveled and am seasoning myself as a songwriter and musician. If you like the bands listed here, I can assure you that all my influences will be included in my work and(yes I'm going to quote Boogie Nights here), "I'm gonna keep rocking."- Dirk Diggler www.myspace.com/drleper ..


Donny Darko. Rushmore was great. So was Kicking and Screaming. The life Auquatic. The Red Vic by my house plays awesome movies. ha! anything with Bill Murray, What about Bob, the story of my life! I watched Kingpin last night, what a fucking hakker. Basquiat. The United States Of Leland I Shot Andy Warhol.Resevoir Dogs. Run Lola Run. Requiem for A Dream. American Beauty. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Momento. Being John Malkovich. Poolhall Junkies. Prey For Rock n Roll. Scarface. Punch Drunk Love. Femme Fatale. Lost Highway. Mulholland Drive. Film festivals and Indie and the list goes on...


is a great band, triumphant guitar guitar ,..... other wise I get 3 channels on my T.V. and that means Elimidate at 1 in the morning so I'm over it. Mayo PONY!!!!http://www.sterilecowboys.org/


The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath, Anything by Hunter S. THompson, The Catcher in the Rye was very comforting to read in New York even though Salinger is a nutface(I went to the pond in Central Park where Holden had been drunk and tired with Phoebe's broken record), Chuck Palanuik, David Sedaris, Civilization and it's Discontents By Sigmund Freud, Yana Gorin


Elliot Smith with a bullet, Brian Eno, Tom Verlaine, Bobby Dylan, Bowie, Marc Bolan, Gaz Coomes, Yana Gorin, and of course Myself were all there. I am my own. I'm lost in a crowd and I can't get out, No other way I can't fly. Recipe for a breakup reliever= run till your heart bursts the keep going, nothing ventured=nothing gained.

My Blog

Civic center reds

Salutation to the moon Alice. I am sitting at the steps of the fountain in the civic center area. Some guy is taking a piss in the water. What a sneak. Thank god they put bleach in it. If the wind...
Posted by Bisou~ on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 10:06:00 PST

Yana Says, and I concur.

        MySpace became the breeding ground for all types of inconsequential   social exchange and self indulgence. Granted, a very small minority of the   people o...
Posted by Bisou~ on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 12:54:00 PST

Reflecting, last year's post this year.

Reflecting. Saturday, October 15, 2005 Saturday morning walk of shame, what would you think? Current mood: exanimate Category: Life I'm on the 71 haight street bus going toward downtown. ...
Posted by Bisou~ on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 01:59:00 PST

Gay to Grater, Bay to Breaker, from the living room to the Dining Room.

I'm looking out my window thinking, "This, is what you're born to do?" It's sunday, Bay to Breakers. You got sailors, Life guards telling people not to run, Ostriches, Naked Guy, Hot lady bag chicks, ...
Posted by Bisou~ on Wed, 09 Aug 2006 11:37:00 PST

Watch Out ! The World's Behind You!

Stupidity tries has been playing in my head all morning. Humming it lightly as I walk through the siren drenched streets encompassed by fog and the smell of honeysuckle and recycling bins, which is ki...
Posted by Bisou~ on Tue, 08 Aug 2006 02:36:00 PST

Pickle Farmer.

It's always in the rain that you're in a baseball pickle btw a mid-night blueberry olds brother four door with no defroster and a handi-cap sign on the rear veiw mirror, while people watch from a hudd...
Posted by Bisou~ on Sun, 21 May 2006 12:55:00 PST

Another open night

What doesn't kill you. What doesn't kill you? What doesn't kill you!!! Only makes you. Only makes you live. Stronger? Wishful thinking. So yea, Canvas cafe and woo they get better and better. The buff...
Posted by Bisou~ on Thu, 30 Mar 2006 02:00:00 PST

Confessions of the Alphamind.

In case you were wondering, I live with one O.C.D. male from Nigeria, a hipster D.J. that looks like Velma from Scooby Doo, A middle age white male with an S.S. tattoo on his neck who has been trying ...
Posted by Bisou~ on Tue, 28 Mar 2006 02:21:00 PST

Belle or Sebastian?

Let me start off the day saying that once in a while if you alive and perceptive that amazing tragedies do occur. The winter sun is warm and bright this afternoon. I'm waiting for the 21 Hayes bus. St...
Posted by Bisou~ on Wed, 22 Mar 2006 12:55:00 PST

They say "you can tell the state a city's in by the condition of the pigeons that inhabit it.

It's a wet day. I'm walking through the gateway of hippie hill. A girl yells, "Where are you from? MARS?" and then chokes, gasping for unrequitted oxygen as she blows out a cumulus cloud from her exha...
Posted by Bisou~ on Tue, 21 Mar 2006 03:40:00 PST