playing with my cats, reading, watching tv, swimming in the river, making up songs, letting my alter ego of McNasty Nae get the better of me, yelling while drunk
My maker.
The Hold Steady, Spoon, Arcade Fire, Appleseed Cast, The Shins, Les Savy Five, Baak Gwai, Modest Mouse, Bloc Party, Jaw Breaker, The Raveonettes, Weezer, The Sounds, Pine Hill Haints, Archers of Loaf, and
Brazil, Donnie Darko, The Outsiders, Wedding Crashers, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, i heart huckabees, Shaun of the Dead, Empire Records, Anthing Wes Anderson touches, Heathers, and
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Scrubs, Arrested Development, The Office (Uk and US), My Name is Earl, Passions, Masterpiece Theater, Adult Swim and Squidbillys
"Snow White and Russian Red" by Dorta Maslowska