I don't wish to sound harsh here, but please please don't try using my comments section as an advertising bill board...unless your promoting a military organization (otherwise comment's will be denied. Such comments as "Thank you for the add" ect will still be warmly accpeted.
Also I really have no desire to use Myspace IM, so therefore sending me emails to let me know you now have it is pointless. My page here is merely to support our troops and show to them how many people truly do appreciate what they are doing. I have my personal page under another link for idle chit chat, so please once again I ask you to keep all subjects relevant to your support of our troops. God bless!!!
Army--- goarmy.com & 1-800-USA-ARMY
Marines--- www.marines.com
Navy--- www.navy.com 1-800-USA-NAVY
Coast Guard--- www.gocoastguard.com
OK, I know there are other myspace pages out there dedicated to our troops and what they're doing or have done for our country, but I have many friends within in the Military, also my step dad is retired US Navy(Master cheif Wilder-Retired), so I wanted to start this page for people to stop by and show their love and suport for all the troops.
God bless you all and you'll remain in our prayers until you return home safely.
May god strengthen our military who fought bravely & returned injured.
May the angles be with those who have served and lost thier lives for the country they loved.
Thankyou to all veterans!!
Blessings to all our firefighters too.