Yes, Hi. I'm retarded - Super retarded.
I'm speshal in the 'slap a gold sticker on my forehead and shove me on a special bus' kind of special.And I'm short.
Handicapped midgets, Hazzah.
Dewpity doo, yeah, Stuff.
I like stuff.
-I like to draw, I'll draw on anything - Myself, My walls, My friends, The dog.
-I like panda's too, I have a slightly un-healthy obsession. -Like an old lady with a lot of cats - except with me it's just panda's.
-I like killing my hair, I'll be bald by 30. And then i can finally feel sexy.
-I like kids movies, I like quoteing kids movies; because I just do.
-I like never being serious.
I don't like stuff
-Watermelon, Most melons, Fuck melons
-Being constantly reminded I have brightly coloured hair; I'm aware of this.
-Being touched by people I don't know very well, I don't like being touched in General - but unless your a good friend, or Boyfriend etc; keep your mitts off.
-Being around someone, everyday - I'll kill them.
-Immoral, Self obsessed, Arrogant or Ignorant people
-Butch-Meat-Head guys and nit-witted "I'm going to act dumb as a brick because it's cute" girls.