Derivative of y=x2 profile picture

Derivative of y=x2

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I’m just a little Japanese school girl expressing my life through the edge of modern danceOh and just been told that I’m a mean multi personality. Actually only three of them are mean. the others are quite nice.

My Interests

photography, music, yea sure art, all that crap that make me sound cool

I'd like to meet:

i don't really care, no buddy loves me-errrrrrrg!


the pogues, iggy pop, the clash, flaming lips, X, son volt, pasty, bill monro, peggy lee, willie


colen brothers flim, tery gilliam, club zero, the sore losers, all the b-movies. like color me blood red, blood feast. geebers more movies, motorpsyco, faster pussy cat,kill, kill, beyond the vally of the dolls, mad max, the road warror, beyond the thunder dome. old wwII movies, hell is for hero's, a brige to far, the longest day, big red one, the metel helment, kiss me deadly, the killings, dr. strangelove, the story of ricky, battel royal, do i need to say, any movie with Miss Betty Page dancing-bless you. oh jest abut all the chessy shit you can think of


news radio, the simpsons, angel, kids in the hall, the thunder brids


like those pepole who say they don't watch t.v, well i'm like that with books. so there. All right, up date. Phillip K. Dick is my main man, Kurt Vonnegut, ya, I’m a deep thinker, hints why I drink so much. Come on, ain’t that cool?


iggy pop, willie, joe strummer, H.G Lewis, ed wood, and fetish models. These are the people who will never talk to me

My Blog

weird dream

So I had this weird dream last night. I dreamt I was a lead singer of a down and out rock band. We where playing at some battle of the bands show at a mall for the grand prize of a gift certificate f...
Posted by Derivative of y=x2 on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 02:43:00 PST