camera, bass, bike, bombs and art. don't eat dead shit.
photographers, models, musicians, christopher walken.
dethklok, the doors, dead elizabeth, children of bodom, misery signals, johnny cash, kaospilot, orchid, pg99, smashing pumpkins, sigur ros, mogwai, SRV, the cure, cephalic carnage, dance club massacre, fucking clint mansell. jimi, suicidal tendencies, hum, stop it!!, muse, isis, converge, cave in, majrule, floyd, ten grand, temper temper, arsis, american football, whatever band you're in.
city of lost children, the fountain, ichi, million dollar hotel, house of fools, pi, brick.
kurt fucking vonnegut. huxley, voltaire, palahniuk, kerouac, heller, welsh, moore, eggers.