juan - the free range human profile picture

juan - the free range human

People are funny.

About Me


My Interests

I find myself to be interested in things that I find interesting, which I can't really make a list of. Since anything could interest me..

I enjoy playing the djembe, doumbek, buckets, dun duns, tamborines, kazoo, harmonica, guitar, tables, whistles, chairs, random objects, and so on.According to the police, I am a "Noise Violator"

I'd like to meet:

other free range humans

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor

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I'm not going to type up a huge list of bands since I believe that would give people the wrong idea on my musical preferences. Music is a form of artistic expression. ART [aart] N (plural arts) 1. creation of beautiful things: the creation of beautiful or thought-provoking works, for example, in painting, music, or writing.....




If you still have one, please get rid of it. You cannot be trusted until it's out of your life.


i wish.


This is actually a really cool topic. I always left this spot blank until today, I did some reading on what exactly a "hero" was. The ancient Greeks believed that a hero was a demigod. All heroes, mythical or real, pretty much follow this outline.Read this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monomyth

My Blog

I lost my Doumbek :(

With the intention of busking in Pearl St., I hitched a ride from the mountains in Nederland to Boulder. Placing my drum in the back seat, I sat shotgun and had an engaging conversation with the drive...
Posted by juan - the free range human on Sat, 19 Jul 2008 09:14:00 PST

Cold, boring places (To the Connecticut people)

Since late December I have been staying in a basement in Connecticut, a very cold place...Never realizing just how great of an impact the cold can make on a society, I now understand.The people of Con...
Posted by juan - the free range human on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 12:56:00 PST

Buckets & Cops

I deleted the contents of this blog... don't ask me why...
Posted by juan - the free range human on Sat, 24 Mar 2007 02:02:00 PST

the bat

I was sitting on the bar that faces the kitchen in my apartment when I saw "something" land on the stove, I thought it might be a roach so I flipped on the light. There staring at me were 2 beady eyes...
Posted by juan - the free range human on Sun, 19 Mar 2006 09:37:00 PST