used records/books, leftist ish, balling on a budget, keeping it witty, radical reversals, searching for the perfect beat, messy details, real food real cheap, unjustified persistent skepticism, the internet before its regrettable corporate takeover, demystifying class struggle, disrupting the symbolic order, profanity, ranting at whatever's on tv, avoiding buying shit, getting wasted of course, making mixes, looking good and hardly trying, making money but not selling out, hating on shit you think is important, calling you out, telling you what you should do, worming my way into your idle thoughts
intellectual drug fiends, bad djs, nerds, pilsenites
weird, dirty, cheap, funky, ice cold with lots of low end and synths that sound like drugs. This includes most of the rap on the radio.
pessimistic humanist film, experimental shit too
the wire
all of them!
John Brown, George Orwell, maybe V.I. Lenin... I haven't fully decided.