Stylus profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Conceived in 2001, Stylus Magazine is a daily web magazine that specializes in music. Through features and reviews, the site has attempted to build a community of writers and readers that extends the dialogue of the arts that we feel passionately about.

And that's it. Our agenda at Stylus is to have no agenda. We love music and we want to tell you about that music. The music we love might be pop or rock or jazz or dance or alternative; it might be from a major label or it might be from somebody's bedroom. It doesn't matter to us; all that matters is that we love music and we want to help you to love it too by telling you what records we love and why we love them.

But we don't just want to be a "buying guide," and to this end we hope our array of regular features and blogs can give you different perspectives on music, from roundtable discussions on the latest big singles to columns detailing hidden and obscure gems only on vinyl and tucked away as b-sides or download-only releases. We hope our regular long-form articles, a key part of Stylus since our inception, can give you an insight into other areas of music and music history than you would normally be able to read about.

But more than anything we want you to tell us what you think. Too often music criticism is a one-way street, with critics sitting on high and decreeing tastes and trends as they see fit. We have no interest in being tastemakers--we're not cool enough for that, for a start. And so we open up every review, article, column and blog post on Stylus to your comments.

Being cultural arbiters, breaking new bands, telling you what to think--that's for other publications. Stylus has always had one overriding principle and always will: to convey the truth of how a writer feels about what they are discussing. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Stylus Magazine

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Dedicated, Devoted and Enthusiastic lovers of Music, Movies and Culture.


Stylus Top 10 Albums of 2006
01. Ghostface, Fishscale
02. Hot Chip, The Warning
03. The Knife, Silent Shout
04. TV On The Radio, Return To Cookie Mountain
05. Clipse, Hell Hath No Fury
06. Ellen Allien & Apparat, Orchestra of Bubbles
07. The Hold Steady, Boys And Girls In America
08. Lil' Wayne & DJ Drama, Dedication 2
09. Junior Boys, So This Is Goodbye
10. Joanna Newsom, YS

Stylus Top 10 Singles of 2006
01. Gnarls Barkley, "Crazy"
02. T.I., "What You Know"
03. Nelly Furtado feat. Timbaland, "Promiscuous Girl"
04. The Pipettes, "Pull Shapes"
05. Delays, "Valentine"
06. Justin Timberlake feat. T.I., "My Love"
07. Marit Larsen , "Don't Save Me"
08. Beyonce, "Irreplaceable"
09. The Research, "Lonely Hearts Still Beat the Same"
10. Bertine Zetlitz, "Midnight"


Stylus Top 10 Movies of 2006
01. Children Of Men
02. Volver
03. Half Nelson
04. The Departed
05. Borat
06. Miami Vice
07. United 93
08. Pan's Labyrinth
09. Two Drifters
10. The Queen

My Blog

Stylus Magazines 50 Greatest Rock Drummers

verything you need to about rock and roll drumming, you can learn from a YouTube video of an Asian man trying to sell you a Creative keyboard. "Rock and roll is very simple. Just four counts. And on...
Posted by Stylus on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 06:39:00 PST

A Week in the Musical Life

t is only after waiting for five hours for the next train and realizing it is going to leave at least two hours late that I start really, really missing "proper" headphones. The week begins at four ...
Posted by Stylus on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 07:23:00 PST

Irish Folk: The Bluffer's Guide

hy Irish folk? Why now? The easy answer: the ubiquitous summer Irish festival. Somewhere in America, there's one place taking right now. Music, of course, is thoroughly showcased at such festivals, ...
Posted by Stylus on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 06:02:00 PST

Horses of a Different Color

iptoeing around its own idealism as lightly as it embraces its cynicism, modern Nashville has entered an era in which old, purist devotions have embedded themselves in country music in ways that go ...
Posted by Stylus on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 06:32:00 PST

Birth of The Snark: Creem's Rock 'n' Roll News

n the summer of 1974, while on an American tour and attempting a comeback, the Troggs were ambushed. Creem Magazine, in its Rock 'n' Roll News section, reported that fighting broke out at the conclu...
Posted by Stylus on Mon, 02 Jul 2007 04:10:00 PST

Summer Jamz 2007

e don't bother having a winter companion for this article. You wouldn't want to read it. (We tried last year and didn't end up running it; it was a series of teary, 4,000 word essays on the virtues ...
Posted by Stylus on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 04:48:00 PST

Disposable Pop: A History of the Flexi Disc

lexi discs? Ah yes, the things that put the snap and crackle into pop...except they didn't snap, obviously...that was the whole point...they bent..." -- Matt Haynes, founder of Sarah Records For ove...
Posted by Stylus on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 06:09:00 PST

Visions of The Beast: Metal's Myth Makers

ore than most music, metal is visual. Heavy music requires heavy presentationthus the emphasis on live shows, stage presence, miles of hair. But the take-home message is just as striking, if not mo...
Posted by Stylus on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 06:07:00 PST

The Great Carbuncle: Tom Hazelmyer

ou have to wait until it's about half the size of a golf ball," Tom Hazelmyer says, lighting a cigarette. While patrons are still trickling into Toomer Gallery's event for A Purge of Dissidentsthe ...
Posted by Stylus on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 05:39:00 PST

What Shall I Do With the Cherries? Stylus Does Eurovision 2007

he clock has ticked round, and it's time, once again, for Stylus' Euro-Pop observation panel to prepare their internationally representative cheese platters (cheddar for the UK, brie for France, and...
Posted by Stylus on Tue, 29 May 2007 05:03:00 PST