strategery, oil, waging war, money, nationalism, cocaine, deceit, right-wing politics, power, Patriot Act, helping my fellow patricians, perusing Camp David, World Bank and IMF manipulation
PEOPLE I'VE FUCKED OVER!! Also, I'm still looking for Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden, and Weapons of Mass Destruction...
My teenage daughters like Chris Cornell... I like Kenny Rogers.
Yes, I own the media. FYI - Colin Powell is my Secretary of State, and his son Michael is the Chairman of the FCC (Federal Communications Commission).
Bushwhacked, Lies & the Lying Liars Who Tell Them, Beneath the Wheel, The Decline & Fall of the American Empire, Media Control, Against War with Iraq, Animal Farm, Dude Where's My Country, Stupid White Men, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, A Clockwork Orange, Lord of the Flies, The Radical Reader, The Quiet American, The Sorrow of War, Brave New World, Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace, 9-11, The Medium is the Massage, A People's History of the United States, Fast Food Nation, Snitch Culture, The Culture of Fear, The Lies of George W. Bush, Will Genocide Ever End?, Slaughterhouse Five, 1984, Catcher in the Rye, On the Road, Heart of Darkness, Steppenwolf
And remember in 2004... A vote for me is a vote for God Satan :) I'll keep you updated on my blog and bulletin board for information and what YOU can do.