Cricket profile picture


I am here for Friends

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Honestly, I don't want any more friends. I'm here to keep in touch with my old and current friends. .... my friends beat me with baseball bats. My ol' man Sid is a Railroad Conductor. He says he works for Canadian Pacific, but I snapped this shot of him at his real job.
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Probably not your band, unless you sound like Journey
The Business, Cocksparrer, Exploited, U.S.Bombs, Misery (I'm a Misery wife...hi Sid), Murderers, Varukers, Chaos UK , Real McKenzies, Blitz, One Man Army, Subhumans, Defiance, Partisans, Op Ivy, Minor Threat, Forgotten, A-Bomb Nation, Adicts, One Way System,Monster Squad, Toy Dolls, MaccLads, Workin' Stiffs, Lower Class Brats, Cockney Rejects, 4 Skins, Destructors, Blanks77, Screeching Weasel, Green Day....Oi!, street punk, old punk, poppy punk,... Snoopaloop, Dre .....Priest, Crue, Iron Maiden, Sabbath, Bad Company.......Merle, Waylon, Dwight Yoakam,Coe, Willie...Bluegrass...Duran Duran------------------------------------------------------- -------------------


I wanna see the movie "Constipated." But it hasn't come out yet. hahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...oh my god, that's a good one!hahahaha!


Forensics shows. Comedy Central. Food Network.


"Making Meth in Your Bathtub -For Dummies."


Pffffftttttt....... Well, maybe this broad.

My Blog


1. The "Front Butt" has become the latest fashion statement in Minneapolis. There are women all over downtown walking around with their big bulging flabby bellies hanging down to their knees, blo...
Posted by Cricket on Fri, 02 May 2008 08:20:00 PST

Wow! Someone feels exactly how I do
Posted by Cricket on Mon, 26 May 2008 04:12:00 PST

The Mississippi River, and My Top 8

Occasionally I have to ride my bike across the Mississippi River for work. Sometimes there are packages to pick up and bring back downtown, or sometimes I'm serving papers on some deadbeat. Anyhow, I ...
Posted by Cricket on Fri, 28 Oct 2005 05:59:00 PST

Bad clothes, cool clothes.

So, today I went grocery shopping at Cub Foods. A man was there shopping . He was wearing Minnesota Vikings Zubaz. If you don't know what Zubaz are, you're probably better off that way. On my way out,...
Posted by Cricket on Sun, 02 Oct 2005 01:37:00 PST

Trivial annoyances

Things that annoy me,or make my blood boil:The sound of people cruching chips,esp. if the room is otherwise quiet.Dreadlocks.People in a cell phone conversation while driving or while dealing wit...
Posted by Cricket on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

The Accident (or,The Dildo and I)

A month or two ago, I was riding my bike downhill and haulin' ass to get to work. I was running late so I was cruisin' at about 25mph.So as I'm ridin' along,I look and see a dildo right in the middle ...
Posted by Cricket on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST