Member Since: 12/13/2005
Band Website:
Various and Assorted Demons, Ghouls, Alcoholics, Drug Addicts, Graffiti Fiends, Boston Sports Legends, Body Snatchers, Marxists, Knights of Templar, Crackers, White Trash, Masochists, Beat Junkies, Carnivores, Elitists, Convicts, Salutatorians, Romans, Greeks, Bar Brawlers, Down Syndrome Patients, Old Schoolers, Arms Dealers,Block Rockers, Ghetto Blasters, Bulemic sumos, drunken cheerleaders, dance chapperones, peoples opiates, eyesores, scientologists, card stackers, lo rackers, lo wives, mega-lo-maineiacs (see all other references to combines factors), ungrateful bitches, udd-haters, honkeys, darleks, klingon proverbs, breast augmentation nurses, phantasms, word repeators, face talkers, eastern stars, south crators, dead beat dads, honor students, snuff porn producers, assisted suicide fans, lame ducks, International Men of Mystery, International Women of Stature, Junglists, Drum N Bass Heads, Break Beat Worshippers, Golden Calves, False Idols, Crimson Brigadiers, Horror Movie Directors, Abortion Clinic Janitors, Mormons, insane authors, Maineiacs, Massholes, Pharaohs, Trojans, Seers, Psychics, Imperial Death Squads, Vietnam Vets, Atheists, Agnostics, Skaters, Deering Center Natives, Rivy Drinking Team Members, East Deering 33 originals, Western Massive inhabitants, Brooklyn Bullshiters, Hell's Angels, Heavens Demons, Pseudo Intellectuals, Narcoleptics, Dirty Doctors, C List Celebrities, Lo Lives, Hobos, Vagrants, Students of Armageddon, Masters of Puppets, Metalheads, Rastafarians, Terrorists, Taoists, Ralph Lauren, Guerilla Warfare Experts, Chess Wizards, Cop Killers, PCP Aficionados, Town Drunks, Town Whores, Village Idiots, Special Olympians, High Councils, High Times Editors, Nihilists, Private Dancers, Dirty Dancers, Rat Packs (but no rats), Original Gangsters, Lo Riders, High Risers, Tragic Socialites, Hipster Bullies, Anti Gentrification Murder Units, MPC Kings, Scratch Masters, Sultans of Swat, Persian Princes, Black Out Bombers, Dalai Lamas, Seedy Union Reps, Maine Black Bears, Boston Terriers, New England Patriots, Menstruating Vampires, Cannibals, Tobacco Lobbyists, Porno Stars, Corrupt Law Enforcement Officials, Librarians, Masons, Goons, Hustlers, Stick Up Kids, Nymphomaniacs, Padowans, Communists, Fanatics, Crate Diggers, B-Boys, B-Girls, Journalists, Mercenaries, Zionists, jihadists, Autistic Children, Rabid Dogs, Stephen King Fans, Rudebwoys, Rudegirls, Sluts, Dharmists, Druids, Prostitutes (both high and low end), Strippers, Ghoumadas, Zombies, Washed Up Child Stars, Mothers, Sisters, Aunts, Nieces, Depraved Schizophrenics, Scholars, Morticians, Whovians, Wet Brains, Casual Intravenous drug ingestors, thundercats, 7:70 cartel members, purple city byrds, boston celtics red sox and bruins, hill kids, project hallway loiterers, gore flick critics, 17 magazine editors, surprise spoilers, Eastern Philosophers, people that beat up emo kids, Windham Zoo Critters, Apathetic Mahfuckahs, Rogue Nation Residents, girls that spit, women who swallow, bangtails, scottish special forces, Stem Grippers, Chef's with bloody aprons, All Types of the Walking Dead, Shaolin, Medina, Boogie Down, The Heights, Egomaniacs, MTA employees, Yupster Killers, Wookies, War Vets, Megadeth Fans, Heretics, Martyrs, Monks, Jesters, Dead Friends, Mid Level Car Salesmen, and all sorts of fucking people that hate pop music
most of all
Sounds Like:
a 2004 world series...dead cops...mickey ward in his prime...drunken midget strippers...your local amtrak girl...slang rap democracy...deering center fist fights...headbanger boogie nights...the working class killing rich people...tom bradys dynasty...harlem dust blocks...coked out tuesdays...doped out thursdays...drunken mainers jocking my style...NYC drug raids...christians being crucified...a lost cellphone...k holes on park ave...philosophy discussion groups on the short bus...a megadeth concert in goddaughter getting new polo on christmas...artillery in south east asia...anton lavey playing with his nubian lion in 67...dr who wilin the fuck out...elliot smith killing himself...drugs...burned down in the city of god hold guns... profusely dripping blood...brooklyn bullshit...queens shoot mans lokee...bronx beatdowns...staten island ferry rides...east deering beer pong games...bucklers dog...hallows eve 98...fiends owing me owing connex money...good faith in consignment...more dead cops...rats eating dead cops...dead republicans...a lot of death...loud records in the mid 90's...ellsworth doing his thing...rome on some necronomican shit...ghost on some battle shit...david ortiz in a bad mood...che guevara rolling in his razors and bottles of johnny red (to help get you through the day)...dave mustaine banging kirk hammets girlfriend...a 2007 world series...dead snitches...bones breaking...political scandal...3 super bowl championships for NE...krylon vs rusto...the dead lights...the dead yards...drug addiction...alocholism...40's and blunts...dead sea
Record Label: Employment Records
Type of Label: Indie