Roy G. Biv's INFERNAL RACKET! profile picture


The Chitty Chittyest Bad-BAND!!

About Me

wanna do Your part? wanna take advantage of the free complaints bulitin board, while this limited time offer lasts?????
CLICK here and tell them ALL how much we suck!!!
This is the new racket complaints department!!! they want your input on how sucky we are, over there in the complaints deparment.
So let em know!!!!!!!
Hurry! Act now while theres still time!
Our opperators are standing by.
free half drunken 40 oz of St. Palooka's Malt Ale will not be awarded to the first 50 irrate Complainants!
The Scene behind Mayhem Industries
A few words about the RACKET, from passers by on the streets of Palookasburgh
I found these guys doing a show by the dumpster, behind the office building owned by my employer....
well actually, they were kinda living behind the dumpster at the time
My boss, Mr. Roy G. Biv , asked me to remove them from the premises. I saw them quickly pull dingy instruments from the garbage heap, as i rounded the corner. When I started to ask them to vacate the grounds, they claimed they were doing a show.
They claimed my authoritarian attitude was just right for them, and before I knew it they drafted me as their new manager.
it was a bit of a stretch for me at first. I mean these guys wanted me, Cliptin Staccato; a former private Dick turned Security Consultant, to be their road manager
Who was I to argue with their logic?
I obliged them
Cliptin Staccato
These guys scared me when they first came up to me. I thought they were going to bum spare change from me. When they started singing, I ran away...but they caught me, and forced me to listen to this earsplitting noise. I am just glad they tired themselves out, so I could escape.
I hope to never work with them again.
Freddy De'Cordova
Its true, back before i became the word on the streets in the great nation of Toledo, I useta hold down a job at the dumpster working the door (we in the business called it a hatch). anyways, these dudes were foul, i seen um beat down many for 40s, some for half eaten corndogs and what not. These dudes dont talk it, they live it. I remember the one day the trash can owner threatened to lock the hatch if these dudes ever played again.
But what do dumpster owners know anyway.... I told the owner to go back to doing blow, and serving underage chicks, and let the dumpster agent do the booking, and let me do my hatch job. I moved shortly after and have heard the dumpster has changed ownership and now its really gone downhill since.
Man that does bring back memories. I useta get mad love in the Dj booth! but thats another story.

My Interests


Member Since: 12/12/2005
Band Members: Roy G. Biv's INFERNAL RACKET is:

StIrLZ :::::::::::::::Lead Vocals, 2nd guitar

koOkY Curtis ::::::Guitar, backing vocals, 2nd Bass

Base-Case Brad :::Bass, backing vocals, drums

SKB :::::::::::::::::::Drums, backing vocals, beat programs, Rapmaster MC

Key KrAzY Steve ::Keys, vocals, guitars, precussion, sequencerz

***All songs written and preformed by the INFERNAL RACKET Copyright 2005 Mayhem Machine.
recorded in the FLASHBACK studios at Mayhem Industries, Palookasburg
[**Mayhem Machine is a Subsidiary of Roy G. Bivs Mayhem Industries**]
Influences: Disaster Area.
The Ruttles.
Wicked Septor.
Just Because.
Alien Sexfiend.

Sounds Like:

Sounds like
the worst thing you ever heard
like 2 turntables
covered with black grip tape!
if you can picture that
you are
not even
close to
envisioning the
terrible sounds
issued from
the Vile Contraptions played by this act
(we hesitate to label this group as a band).

WARNING **********We strongly recommend consulting your Physician before exposing your auditory faculties to the recorded material contained herein**********

Record Label: Roy G. Biv's Mayhem Machine
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

The Mobile Mayhem Machine

The wait is now unofficially not over!The not so long awaited single from the from Roy G. Biv, and his band of malformed musicians, the INFERNAL RACKET, is finally here.the Mobile Mayhem MachineThis r...
Posted by Roy G. Biv's INFERNAL RACKET! on Mon, 30 Jan 2006 11:12:00 PST

the BOOK of Roy

oh yea to the bo jayyea, it shall be those who are namedeth the ones who live in the rocket racket racers be them who shall reiveerath the gifts bestowed upon them.for it was they who isued f...
Posted by Roy G. Biv's INFERNAL RACKET! on Tue, 24 Jan 2006 02:07:00 PST

It was a hot and muggy night...

It was a hot and muggy night...--No wait it was a cold and frosty other mornings.... ....and, when i say mnorning, i mean around 2:13pm...i finished my meeting of the mindless. the Spectrum D...
Posted by Roy G. Biv's INFERNAL RACKET! on Tue, 24 Jan 2006 01:55:00 PST

covers of our crap???

What the BLOG?!?!?!?! WHO WOULD WANT TO HEAR THAT? These guys, the Titanium Violets, a bunch of two bit hacks from maume ohio, say there gonna cover out chit?!?! i just wann know why? do they think t...
Posted by Roy G. Biv's INFERNAL RACKET! on Tue, 03 Jan 2006 04:09:00 PST

oh my Grouch

Last night was a bit rough. actually this morning was about the roughest. SKB and the boyz were out tye dyeing a few on. and then they ended up Hurling Blogs. it wasnt pretty. The re...
Posted by Roy G. Biv's INFERNAL RACKET! on Sat, 24 Dec 2005 11:50:00 PST

x-maze par tee

X-MAZE PARTY The dumzter Santi-Clawz is coming word more to come.....................
Posted by Roy G. Biv's INFERNAL RACKET! on Thu, 22 Dec 2005 06:09:00 PST

Blog this

BLOG That What?  I know...leave me alone.. I am trying to Blog to the world about our stlye. This is Our first Online Posting. so shudup and lizten down. SKB keeps playing the drums which makest...
Posted by Roy G. Biv's INFERNAL RACKET! on Tue, 20 Dec 2005 09:44:00 PST