earthnut profile picture


we like potatoes.

About Me

earthnut is a band that absolutely loves music. every kind of music under the sun inspires them and has, ever since they can remember, helped them to breathe. their music comes from a wide variety of influences, and their lyrics deal with everything from past relationships to the struggle they have with maintaining their Christian faith in the midst of all started when guitarist justin loeber, and singer ryan martin met at a place called the king's college a hundred and seventy four years ago. ryan thought justin drove like a maniac, and justin thought ryan packed so much stuff that he had to be a girl. they soon became great friends.several years passed, and justin decided to form a band. "hey," he told ryan, "i've been thinking about it, and, y'know, we could have ourselves a great band if i played lead guitar, dan gettman played bass, scott tilton handled rythym guitar, and bill sabia carried the drums." ryan never really dreamed of being in a band, but quickly became excited about it, listening to justin's enthusiasm. "now," said justin, "all we need is a singer."ryan whimpered.a few weeks, and a couple of bribes later, ryan found himself fronting a band. which scared him to death. but he felt confident in the musicianship that surrounded him, and he faked it as best as he could. this band was known as fillet of soul.fillet of soul saw modest success around the westchester county new york area, but faded away after a few years. they never really broke up, and might very well be floating around somewhere locally, but to our knowledge, they haven't been seen in quite awhile.after its demise, justin and ryan went back to basics, and started writing music in justin's basement. just a guitar, a cheap microphone, and a drum machine held together with duct tape. they recorded a few songs that they liked well enough to send to a well-respected music festival in new hampshire called soulfest. "what's the worst that could happen?" they thought.a month or so later, they found out they were invited to play the festival. they were flattered, and very excited that their stuff was respected enough to get them on such a stage, but more than this, they were terrified with the realization that they only had a few months to get a band together. this band would be called earthnut-- a name clouded in mystery 'til this very day.bill came back to the drums, and they found a great bassist in jon parrish, and managed to squeak out their debut album called, "thanks, daniel" just in time for the show. soulfest 2002 was a great experience, as was soulfest 2003, a year in which their next two albums were released, "live in a brick box" and "ecstatic." gigs were played throughout the states of new york and connecticut, and an enthusiastic response followed wherever they played.but time saw bill and jon move on to other things, and saw the blessing of justin and his wife denice's baby boy charley come into the world. earthnut has also recently discovered a prime recording and rehersal space, burried somewhere in the middle of danbury, connecticut. it's a place they love, a place they've dubbed "garage mahal."it's there they can be found when not busy with day jobs and family. they are currently writing new songs, taking their time to get things right. recording sessions are to begin soon, with a new album expected some time early in the meantime, ryan has a lot of free time on his hands, and has thoroughly enjoyed making new fans, and meeting new friends on this-here myspace page. comments, and emails are always welcomed, and are always returned as soon as possible.thanks so much for the support, everybody!all the best to you all...

My Interests


Member Since: 12/9/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: justin.ryan.
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My Blog

ryan’s post super bowl blog...

Posted by earthnut on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 08:41:00 PST

ryan’s super bowl blog...

i got a sad super bowl prediction, my friends... patriots 31, giants 20.   back in super bowl xxx, i was hoping beyond hope that my beloved steelers of pittsburgh would be able to pull off the gi...
Posted by earthnut on Sun, 03 Feb 2008 08:04:00 PST

song of the week, 12/30 -- 1/5

"more than words" by extreme   ...yeah. i said it. happy new year, everybody!
Posted by earthnut on Sun, 30 Dec 2007 03:58:00 PST

song of the week, 12/23 -- 12/29

"goodnight irene" by the weavers
Posted by earthnut on Sun, 23 Dec 2007 05:40:00 PST

song of the week, 12/6 -- 12/22

"panama" by van halen
Posted by earthnut on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 03:43:00 PST

song of the week, 12/9 -- 12/15

"cantaloop" by us3
Posted by earthnut on Sun, 09 Dec 2007 07:48:00 PST

song of the week, 12/2 -- 12/8

"everybody wants to rule the world" by tears for fears
Posted by earthnut on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 07:51:00 PST

song of the week 11/25 -- 12/2

"canyonero" from the simpsons
Posted by earthnut on Sun, 25 Nov 2007 06:51:00 PST

song of the week, 11/18 -- 11/24

"ignoreland" by r.e.m.
Posted by earthnut on Sun, 18 Nov 2007 01:11:00 PST

song of the week, 11/11 -- 11/17

"stick 'em up" by quarashi
Posted by earthnut on Sun, 11 Nov 2007 05:18:00 PST