EXISTENCH first started under the name DISABUSE.Which was DROCK LIVEROTCHEE-Guitars/Vox PETE-Vox/Guitar AMANDA-Bass GERALD-Drums.We sounded like old EXTREME NOISE TERROR and recorded 2 demos made it on a couple of 7inch records.Until we decided to change our name.Pete left for the USA and it left us looking for guitarists.And we had tons of em,Until we found RYAN.Our popularity was growing at an immense rate,That we were practically shitting out 7inches and cds left n right.Until Ryan left us and moved to Ontario,I wouldnt say we are dead.Its been a long Hiatus.And who knows whats in store for the future?DROCK is now/always was in SYSTEM SHIT( http://www.myspace.com/systemshithalifax ),GERALD now plays drums for THY FLESH CONSUMED(
http://www.myspace.com/deathgrindmachine ).AMANDAs keeping it low right now,And RYANS in some new band in Ontario.
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