Dante’s Theory profile picture

Dante’s Theory

Die Theorie von Dante...writing new materials!!!!

About Me

Dante's Theory History:
The year was 1994 that the band Pyro and Unvisual was formed. Back in the good old LCHC days bands like Pyro and Unvisual were considered the 2nd generation of bands that were to emerged in the LCHC scene. Pyro was the pioneers in Evilcore and sludge, as also was Unvisual with its brand of chaotic and Noisecore genre. Then in the year 1998 the 3rd generations of bands that were to emerged were bands like Sideline. Sideline was pure old skool with a touch of emo. As time tolls these bands faded into the background and as it tolls away new generations of LCHC bands took over the scene. Those that faded away made project bands that proved to be unsuccessful. And in the year 2004, band members from Sideline and Innersight joined forces to form a project band which was named Our Days Are Not Alone. Members from Social Integration also came and shared in the project. We then changed the name to 7th Sign. As time goes by additional members from Pyro and Unvisual share the same visions,ideas came into light. Other bandmates from Bloody Rejects and Overthrown were added to the lineup.
Dante's Theory is progressing and we are always keeping up with times while doing our own things and sounds. And a new vision and ideology were formed. A new name was given to that idea and vision, it was call Dante's Theory. A new breed of sound. A new breed of hate. Mixing blends of classic horror, apocalyptic visions and religious dementia with a metallic hardcore sound. They are the former members of Pyro,Unvisual and Sideline.
Dante's Theory will take it's listeners for an extreme roller coaster ride, spiral, at times straight but versatile, unpolished, unseeingly disoriented, distorted but is never loosing control. We are the borderline between the extreme starting at metal, then to death metal and ending at hardcore and at times with a touch of grind, and back or in any of that order. We will take listeners to both directions, almost indescribable hard to estimate but uncommon than anything else. With diverse influences over the past decades, listeners will definitely find something to quench their fuel. Full of angst and straight in your face truth. This is Dante's Theory
Enough said....need a dose of anger management?
Watch us...."horn up and mosh!!!"
Dante's Theory is just pure evil death_tertainment.
Music for the masses with open minds..............


My Interests


Member Since: 8/19/2007
Band Website: ongoing process...not up yet
Band Members:Screech N Gore: Mimi_Pyro aka 6ix

Lead Noize: Izad_I-Z aka Se7en

Boom Slaps: Reza_Riz aka Th1rte3n

Chaotic Doom Beats: Ahmat_Mad aka E11even

Influences:Nostromo,Pyro,Unvisual,Sideline,TheAbsence,TheHau nted,SixFeetUnder, Testament,BoltThrower,AmonAmarthBleedingThrough,ArchEnemy,De capitated, MiserLovesCompany,Cure,Deftones,SpineShanksDevilDriver,Slipk not, Integrity,Bombarde,Isis,StrecthArmstrong,StompinGround,Disru pt,Tormentress, Downset,Onyx,FaithNoMore,Bane,Refused,Strife,Counterveil,Dea dguy, Coverge,LambOfGod,IKilledThePromQueen,CaveIn,Yage,Caterpilla r, Pro-Pain,BeastieBoys,Biohazard,RageAgainstTheMachine, FearFactory,BeastieBoys,Biohazard,TodayIsTHeDay,ThreatSignal , TheBlackDahliaMurder,AsIlayDying,BuryYourDead,Mesuggah Deadsoil,RobZombie,HeavenShallBurn,InColdBlood,HellWithin, MushroomHead,Neaera,Nightrage,Raunchy,Diecast,Hatebreed, Liar,Congress,StampinGround,PoisonTheWell,Cataract,Unearth, Zao,KillSwitchEngage,ByNight,Distrust,ChildrenOfBodom,Chimai ra,Soilwork, TheAgonyScene,Caliban,GodForbid,Onslaught,SwallowTheSun,Rose Funeral and TheAcaciaStrain,AllShallPerish,Animosity,ArsonistsGetAlltheG irls,AsBloodRunsBlack, AttheThroneofJudgment,BringMetheHorizon,BurningSkies,Crimson Falls, DanceClubMassacre,DespisedIcon,Elysia,Emmure,EternalLord,Fro mASecondStoryWindow, GlassCasket,IonDissonance,JobForACowboy,Killwhitneydead,Knig htsOfTheAbyss, Mistress,MyBitterEnd,NightsLikeThese,PostmortemPromises,TheR edChord, SeeYouNextTuesday,ShotDownSun,Subconscious,SuicideSilence ThroughtheEyesoftheDead,Whitechapel,Winds of Plague,With Blood ComesCleansing,LengTcHE and a whole lot more.
Sounds Like:End of the world,shoving a knife down your throat.....while smoking weed and drinking a cocktail of Jagerbombs and Monster Energy!!!!

Record Label: None
Type of Label: None