rayhom.com profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm an asian/american who has been heavily influenced by 5% Hip-Hop music, horror movies, and rational reasoning. And a delusional writer struggling to meld these together coherently to create some senseless meaning out of existence by writing in the third-person... swing by rayhom.com to support my delusions. Thanks!

I WON'T take seriously these ghetto ideologies in your profile/blogs/messages - horoscopes/astrology, psychics, numerology, palmistry, chain emails that will give me bad luck if I don't pass them on, that Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus, "Loose Change", "The Secret", "natural/alternative" cures, reality shows as being real, aliens living among us, movies that are "based on a true story", that the Earth is only 6,000 years old, karma, and that "things happen for a reason"... or Santa Clause.

But I believe in the overall Good Will of the Human Species because of Great Movies, HBO, Vertigo comics, the New Atheist movement, intellectuals, comedians, scientific world view, good-lookin' people, reading & writing, Good Friends, alcohol, and sexual gratification.

My Interests


Endless building of a dialectic mp3 library, but I grew up on Freestyle Dance and Hip-Hop (pre-bling bling era)... and movie theme songs.


Netflix friend me.


I'm on a strict diet, no public TV or reality shows, but a lot of HBO!!!


Constant fight against iLliDeRAcy...


Anyone who is wiser than me.