Freedom From ANY Religion profile picture

Freedom From ANY Religion

About Me

Ahh, Where to start? There are so many reasons to question the rationality of the religious population. There are an infinite number of reasons to believe they are crazy and to be angry with them. Religious zealots are out of control in this country! They believe so strongly in something that doesn't exist and that kind of reasoning is a very difficult thing to combat due to the flexibility of interpretation. They believe that their brains are not their own, that they can't be held responsible for their actions and NO MATTER WHAT THEY DO, they will be forgiven by the only thing that ultimately matters to them...their god. There seems to be no reason to get it right in this life because they think all sins will be forgiven and they will live in ecstasy for eternity... that is SCARY to me. That is threatening to my peace of mind. It's kind of like playing with barbies....a single hand with the mind of a child controls an entire body. The troubling thing is that these bodies have mouths and voices that are capable of inflicting their crazy on others. While most god fearing weirdos have no significant influence, some do. The ones with the power to make others listen are the ones we should be concerned with. If you are a person who is on the fence about what to believe, I beg you, please consider all of the ideas that are fact and push aside the theology. Blind faith is just simply wrong. Don't believe in a god. Believe that you are a freak of nature and understand that you are good without someone else telling you how to be. After all, eventually people will be saying..."remember those crazy christians? They believed in god." Just like christians do with other mythologies now. Do you believe that Greek mythology is literal and true? The Greeks sure did.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

SOME OF MY FAVORITE WORDS ALL PUT TOGETHER.... "The worlds problems evolved from un-enlightened morality makers. Those who through fear and intimidation have frightened and herded the masses into unquestioning obedience perpetuating the fleecing of their mental, spiritual and physical worth and have caused wars upon wars throughout the ages." ~Dwayne Sheffield*************************************************** ************************************************************ *********** A REMINDER... Reason and Ignorance, the opposites of each other,influence the great bulk of mankind. If either of these can be rendered sufficiently extensive in a country, the machinery of government goes easily on. Reason obeys itself; and Ignorance submits to whatever is dictated to it. ~Thomas Paine, The Rights of Man********************************************************* ***** "Just in terms of allocation of time resources, religion is not very efficient. There's a lot more I could be doing on a Sunday morning." ~Bill Gates******************************************************* ***** IF I COULD INDULGE MYSELF FOR JUST A MOMENT....I do, in fact acknowledge that someone by the name of jesus may have lived and may have been a prophetic leader. Hell, I could tell you that oranges were going to start falling from the sky and the hole in Bush's ass was going to go supernova, but that doesn't mean it's really going to happen. Why not simply think of it as a modern day figure head? Why see jesus as anything more than a guy with great people skills and public speaking ability? We have lots of them these days and our current leaders or public faces have far more followers. I can't think of a better way to get people to follow you than to threaten them with "My dad can beat up your dad". Back in jesus' time, people were completely ignorant...followers(sheep). This is what they knew. There wasn't organized education. There wasn't mass media or even a way to know what the rest of the world consisted of aside from believing what they were told. That's why he may have made such a great impact. Everyone was illiterate and mostly poor. We know that even in this day and age many of the poor tend to follow rather than lead and are content in it. If, in biblical times someone were to promise the poor, illiterate peasants and farmers a better life(in this one or the next)or healing by his hand, what is the alternative? They would surely embrace it rather than continue to suffer. With the small size of the population at the time, surely anyone preaching a better way of life would have been revered. When you dig deep into the bible, it is so easy to point out inconsistent ideals and writings. So many people had a hand in its writing that it was easy to spread and it did, like fire. Through out the ages, people have had a hard time fathoming their own mortality. They see the impact death has on them by others dying and can't imagine it for themselves. We, as human beings have such a profound lust for staying alive that we instinctively fight the acceptance of death. It is the lazy person who would believe that things simply go on in the clouds rather than getting it right this time around. It's all just a cruel game and the greatest marketing strategists in the world couldn't have done a better job than jesus' team did. So in conclusion I would like to invite all of you believers to...JUST GO TO HEAVEN ALREADY!!!!!!

My Blog


After so much has happened and the status of our nation has yet to change, I reemerge from my lackadaisical Southern California lifestyle and find myself ankle deep in white stuff here in South Easter...
Posted by on Sat, 13 Dec 2008 02:48:00 GMT

Atheism is not a religion...Jude!!!!

Dear Jude, Don’t make me bitch-slap you! To make assumptions of one’s values, belief in human rights or motivation for compassion is to assume that without god these things aren’t p...
Posted by on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 17:52:00 GMT

How to change the world

So, I was in the car with my son last week and we were talking about his day at school. Aside from the usual math and computer science classes, he mentioned something that he usually doesn't...
Posted by on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 01:46:00 GMT

Let me tell you why we should be happy.

I want to know if anyone else sees things the way I see them. In the simplest terms, though I have found no reason to use small words in the presence of an atheist, it is mainly for the christian...
Posted by on Sat, 29 Dec 2007 01:25:00 GMT


Cosmic Rays......Meteors......why does god keep throwing shit at us?????
Posted by on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 16:43:00 GMT

Ughhhhh! WTF?!?!?!

Why on earth is there any kind of debate on whose faith is more deserving of a presidential nomination? WTF????? I can't believe that the religious question in Iowa is the diving board of the decline ...
Posted by on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 14:27:00 GMT

Dr. Suess was far more creative!

When I was little and my mother and father were still together, they always had different ideas on what a good punishment was for being bad.  My mom thought that a spanking was routinely in ...
Posted by on Sat, 14 Jul 2007 13:48:00 GMT