Members of the Los Angeles Breakbeat Association's interests are ---- Break fanatics, brekbeat support squads, art , funk , funkrock ,undergroud events ,desert events , fashion ,burners ,b-boys --breakers- , spirtual southern fried funk addicts , tatoos , networking , fine dining , r&r , P.R. , Manifesting then delivering U.K. Nu Skool to North America , dogs named vegas, chi chi rodriguez , 1840 congas from Guam , Ethnomusicology and pretty much every form of music that is inspiring to the mind-body and soul !!!!
Down to earth People. All supporters of Breaks and people involved with electronica. Anyone with a pure soul and a keen ear is an A+ to any of us and all of us !!!!! WWW.LABADJ.COM for all your downloads , Live Mixes , pics and much much more !!!!
Beat Street ,Crush Groove , Breakin , Bombing L.A. , Better Living Thru Circiutry , Scratch vol.1 and 2 , Underground Sound Bois , B-Boy Summit Doc. .......
LA.TV .....
The Art Of Breakdancing.
Dusty Fingers Volume 1 thru 16 1974 to 1979 . If you are a true breakbeat fanatic you know who this is ...P.E.A.C.E L.A.B.A. STAFF !!!