Roy profile picture


Kiss me twice. I'm schizophrenic

About Me

About me.... I love to party, i'm very outgoing and love meeting new people. I never take life to seriously, it's too short... I always look on the bright side of things in life. I try to live everyday as if it were my last. I Love music most of all!! Dj'ing, writing, breakin, and pop lockin like re-run. . Myspace Contact Tables Pimp My Profile Online Status Icons Roy skimmin Zuma
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My Interests

music first and foremost! breakdancing, poppin, pop lockin, freestyle, skimboarding, wakeboarding, skurfing, surfing, bodyboarding, bodysurfing, hunting snakes, hiking, Fishing, free diving, weight training, running, graf art, dj'ing, writing music

I'd like to meet:

Cool peeps!!! Open minded, like minded and not so like minded people.... YOU!!


I love all genres of music. Breaks are my biggest love!!! Plump dj's, Terminal head, meat katie, Elite force, Stanton Warriors, Dj Odeed and Wish, Chad Rock, J-funk, Oscure, Freddy Be of the Bud brothers, Jesse Brooks, Chemical bros, Basement Jaxx, Bad Brains, Minor threat, The Clash, RKL, Ramones, Fugazi, Cro mags and any old school punk, Killers, Radiohead, Foo fighters, Velvet revolver, 311, Sublime, yadda, yadda, yadda...


Usual suspects is my alltime favorite. Reservoir Dogs, The Italian Job, Office space, The Others, Y tu Mama Tambien, The Big Lebowski, 50 first dates, Outside providence, Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, Devils Playground, One flew over the Cuckoo's nest, Swingers, Big fish, Eyes wide shut, Rush hour 1 & 2, Mulholland Drive, Napoleon Dynamite, Scent of a Woman, Jckie Brown, Pulp Fiction, U-turn, Mall Rats, The Beach, The Shining, The Exorcist, Scarface, Chasing Amy, Elf, Collateral, All Cheech & Chong Movies, Half Baked, Dawn of the dead, Deuce Bigalow, Hot chicks, Riding Giants (Surfing Documentary), The Ring, Primal Fear, The Village, Girl Interrupted, The Girl next door, Shaun of the dead, The Salton Sea, Snatch, Meet the parents, Meert the Fockers, Interview with the Vampire, Saw, American Beauty, Badder Santa.


I don't watch much television... It sucks your brain out!


Tuesdays with Morrie


Snake Charmers of the world!

My Blog

Tip of the day

Don't eat yellow snow!!!
Posted by Roy on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST