Confusion is like sand pebbles on the beach.From afar, it is very smooth and uniform.
From near, when watched in its individual moments, the grains of sand have only one uniformity…chaos!
With the slightest touch, all chaos is reshaped in new ways and the patterns must be studied once more.We are the same.We are all grains of humans who have nothing but chaos in our ways.
In our minds, we think, that what we are doing has a very individual reason behind it.
However…in reality…that is a mere chaotic thought!But that also is a good thing, for once we decide to look from afar, we are too…
Mere reshaped patterns of sand that need to be studied once more.
How would I know??
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Look out your window. Can't you see it? -- Call a friend and ask them about an amazing experience that they will never forget -- Walk up to bums on the street and ask them why they've become what they are...You will be very very surprised!
Art only imitates Life...Cut off the middle man! Life's too short to see the world through another's eyes...
Aren't you suppose to be somewhere right now!?!
Those who earn their money well and earn it honestly.