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Are you gonna bark all day, little doggie, or are you gonna bite?

About Me

I'm a writer and have a published book, Coriander, that is for sale on barnes and noble and It's found under Sara Banks, and is not to be confused with I, Coriander. (Thanks Chris for bringing this to my attention) It has a violin on the front with what appears to be the shadow of a naked woman. It's an occult book about an immortal woman named Elise. It follows her life through the centuries of living, dying, and being reborn. The book was inspired by Beethoven's Fur Elise, PJ Harvey's Perfect Day Elise, and The Cure's Letters to Elise. It's about immortalitly, witchcraft, and everything occult. I recently won the Darrell Awards for best novella of 2006 for my book.I write supernatural/occult stories obviously. I play the violin amongst other instruments. I have 2 violins, one electric and one acoustic. I have three tattoos. I have a Pit Bull whom I love dearly. I'm not a morning person; I like video games, and I love my coffee with cigarettes. I like destruction, chaos, madness, it keeps life interesting. I love the style of the 40s and 50s. Old cars, hot rods. Angels, demons, devils alike. Freemasons, Knights Templar, mythology of all types. If it's strange I like it. I'm interested in mental institutions (back off, I'm a writer, I can say that without being too weird). My beliefs are very, very different, and I won't discuss them with just anyone. I don't have the time or patience to chat with mindless pricks. I'm also busy taking some college courses so I can work towards going into neuropsychology.

My Interests

Fairies, graveyards, the moon, planets, space, night gardens, traveling, the ocean, a rocky shoreline, astrology, mythology, religion, books, angels, demons, the human soul, the human mind, TALL BOOTS, Marilyn Monroe,Dita von Teese.

I'd like to meet:


NIN, Tori Amos, the Cure, the Used, Johnny Cash, Elvis, Rob Zombie, (Yes I know it's a strange assortment) Jeff Buckley, Alkaline Trio, Fallout Boy, Tool, Marilyn Manson, anything with violins in it, Taking Back Sunday, 30 Seconds to Mars, A Perfect Circle, the Killers, the Strokes, the Bravery, Type O Negative, rockabilly music, Mars Volta, the Clash, the Ramones, Billie Holiday, Depeche Mode, Deftones, the Misfits, HIM, My Chemical Romance, Garbage, Otep (scream your heart out baby!) PJ Harvey, Courtney Love (yes I know she's a flake, but still..) Jeff Buckley, Nick Drake, Dead Can Dance, Apocalyptica, Placebo, Kidney Thieves, Beck, Angels and Airwaves, Blink 182, Yellowcard, Jerry Lee Lewis, Roy Orbison, The Tea Party.. src=" jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting" .. .. .. :// YWxidW1zL2ZmMjI1L0xpb25JbkZMTC8/YWN0aW9uPXZpZXcmY3VycmVudD10 b3JpLWFtb3MtMi5naWY=" target="_blank"


I like the Rob Zombie movies, the Ring, High Tension, Interview with the Vampire, Saw, Resident Evil, Evil Dead, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, Exorcism of Emily Rose, All About Eve, old pirate movies, mostly anything with Milla in it, the (original) Fog, Amityville Horror, the Omen, the Crow, Donnie Darko, Momento, Heat,The Last Temptation of Christ and dozens more. I love, love, love awful B rated movies.


Your Spirit is water. Water is the element of
emotion and intuition. Tears are water,
whether they are of sadness or joy. Our
bodies are mostly water. Fish, waterfowl and
wading birds, thunderstorms and twilight are
all associated with Water. Its colors are
blues and greens, turquoise and aqua. The
strings play the music of Water, pianos and
violins. What makes you think of Water?

What Spirit do you represent? ((anime pictures and 14 results))
brought to you by Quizilla Six Feet Under ( all my friends know I'm addicted) House, Bones, Gilmore Girls, Smallville, Invader Zim, Cowboy Bebop, the Family Guy, Fruits Basket, Angel Sanctuary, Bleach.


I have a HUGE vaiety of books to fit my particular mood and interests. I have my autobiographies: Edgar A. Poe, Beethoven, Johnny Cash. Then I have my science research books: The Secret Life of Plants, Hitler's Scientists, Stephen Hawkings's research. I have my general non-fiction books: Templars Revelation, Gospels of Mary Magdalene. There's the New Age group: Planets and Possibilities, Reincarnation, etc. My collections of plays and short stories: Edgar A. Poe, Oscar Wilde, Shakepeare, Drawing Down the Moon, Inanna. Fiction, of course: the Witching Hour, my book Coriander, Seasons of Passage, Good Omens. I also have some of the classics: Dracula, the Scarlet Letter, the Catcher in the Rye, the Last Man, etc.


div style="width:300px;_height:250px; min-height:250px; background-color:rgb(216,233,237); text-align:center;" what Interview with the Vampire character are you?
You are Lestat!! My personal favorite ;). You are VERY mischievous.
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Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code Which 'To Venus and Back' Tori Amos Song Are You?
You're all about music, man. "Lust has a really strange effect on the piano and in the voice, so it feels like she's in a shape she can't get out of, but it's a shape that's able to bleed in to itself. Creating sounds like that--it's pretty intangible to try and talk about it." - Tori Amos
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My Blog

Rammstein - Rammstein Live from Volkerball This one's for you LL!...
Posted by Sara on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 12:15:00 PST

rammstein volkerball mein teil This is one wicked performance....
Posted by Sara on Sat, 07 Jun 2008 03:43:00 PST

Reminds her of Toledo

She didn't open her eyes, even when she came into consciousness. Her entire body felt heavy; her head she could scarcely move. The slightest movement took the greatest deal of effort and utmost concen...
Posted by Sara on Thu, 01 May 2008 01:50:00 PST

Four months into the year...

Four months into the year, and it’s already showing to be a very trying year. Thanks goes out to everyone for their prayers for my dad. For those of you who didn’t know, he had a massive h...
Posted by Sara on Sat, 05 Apr 2008 02:08:00 PST

I’m impressed with myself

For those of you who know how hard I have been working in my classes as a criminal justice major, I must share with you that I have received a certificate for being on the President's Honor List. To g...
Posted by Sara on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 10:55:00 PST


Just spent a great deal of time looking through the new 2007 Writer's Market book. It seems many more publishers than I remember in the past are now only taking authors with an agent. I'm beginning to...
Posted by Sara on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 07:13:00 PST

Welcome, Joshua

Welcome to the wonderful, somewhat annoying, world of myspace.  Try not hurt anyone too bad. They ARE just people, mind you.  I've learned that silence is sometimes the better option. Althou...
Posted by Sara on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 03:53:00 PST

10 Weird Things About Me

Thanks to my dear friend, Gaines, I was tagged to spit out ten strange facts about myself. This should be interesting.... "The rules are: Once you have been tagged you can't be re-tagged, you have to ...
Posted by Sara on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 12:31:00 PST

My Obsessions..

Everyone who knows me well knows I go through phases of obsessions, especially when these obsessions inspire me to write. So, you must meet some of them! My current obession: Jeff Martin  ~Many a...
Posted by Sara on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 04:01:00 PST