Poetry and and the written word.
Fellow writers,readers,directors,producers,scriptwriters.. Lisa M is my contact as well as Editor for published works and contact for Literary works into film. All works are available directly through Hot Biscuit Productions or Amazon.com . Thank you for taking the time to visit my page and seeing my work. All Best. Beecher
I love all music,singing to my wife and whatever suits the day.
They can be a good release from the life we lead day to day."Just remember that the life we live is by far more interesting than that of any movie. So live a better life than you ever dreamed of". Lisa M.
Don't have alot of time to watch it . I'm an attorney, I work and when I don't I write play poker for fun and go to the lake.
Beecher Smith: The Guardian ~ ~ Monster from Memphis ~ ~ More Monster from Memphis ~ ~ Recovering My Sanity;Poems and Short stories ~ ~ Sincerely Elvis an Anthology of Original Poems About Elvis Aaron Presley~ Fatal Friendship (the Doe Roberts story) All my works are available through Hot Biscuit Productions directly or at http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_b/002-6651545-1355232?url= search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=beecher+smith&a mp;x=0&y=0
My Family; past, present and future. My wife, who has been by side all these years.