Urban Books Author- Michelle McGriff profile picture

Urban Books Author- Michelle McGriff

I need to know why people in this house ate all my good giant jellies and left me with the GREEN, YE

About Me

So glad you are in my space

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My Interests

I enjoy cooking Vegan dishes, Belly Dancing, and Writing novels. Oh and I really like shopping for unique salad dressing.I'm half way to my goal folks!!! I'm gonna post a few Before and During pictures here soon!!! ..

I'd like to meet:

I'm also a PhD student looking forward to finishing my course plan by end of year and moving to the dissertation phase by spring. Check out my blogs or go to my site http://www.michellemcgriff.com to read some of my academic work.Every person should take time for themselves and I enjoy my hobbies as well. The newest craze in my life is Belly Dancing. It's not just pretty, its great low impact exercise. At my age, it's time to start thinking 50--I'm not 50 but it's time to start thinking about it...I'm pretty darn close.What kind of life quality do I want? I want a good one! With that said, I've stepped up my vegetarian life style to come pretty close to vegan. I eat no dairy, no animal products, and I've limited my sugars, and salts, other processed or bleached whites—I blog about that too, here and on my site. I hope to add an on-going health journal for women like me to read and feel empowered by.As far as my life as a writer, I enjoy writing and speaking (I’m also a professional facilitator) about the industry. If your group or classroom could use a speaker drop me a note, here or through my personal site. I feel I can inspire new writers to continue and established writers to think fresh!My page here gets wild sometimes, but that’s just my mind at work and when I get where I’m going mentally. Well folks seem to love what comes out...so there ya go.Below is a ROCK ON slide show of my books. Results of my creative mind! Pick up a copy. The books are available on AMAZON.com and Black Expressions and in your favorite book stores. THANKS for taking time to find out a little bit more about me. ..

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I dig music of the 70-90's and some adult alternative stuff from now.


Movies are tricky... I'm not sure what I like, but I do like to laugh so I guess I would say comedies. It's just that not every comedy makes me laugh so...


I barely watch TV...and I only watch when I'm on vacation... and I hardly take vacations, so there ya go.


Okay, I can breathe for a second. Last Breath (formally Next Breath, Formally Dying Breath formally Buddy) is now finished with it's last edits and they will be overnighted Monday. The book will go to print and release Dec 30th. I read it over night last night after the completing of a content edit. There were a few changes ... they took out stuff, I put it back in hahaha... etc... Kensington put their own editors on this one...so it was kinda different for me... but the haggling is done and I'll know what's what in the final draw come December 30th. All in all I'm excited about the project. It reads fast and is very exciting... and unexpected. Considering there is only one sex scene the action MORE than makes up for it. Take a moment to pre-order your copy today! You wont be sorry!On amazon, continue to use the DYING BREATH order page... THANKS.Or better yet... use PAYPAL and get a signed copy.GO TO: www.michellemcgriff.com for paypal link.Thanks for your support...MichelleNEW BOOK PROJECTThis is not a WRITER's GROUP... it's a discussion group. No one is expecting anyone here to be professional writers... but it's to gather information about soulmates. I'm hoping that those with stories can jump right in and start sharing. You can post your own questions or discusion on the topic!This is a private network for gathering the data needed to complete a non-fiction project. The information gathered here is purely on a volunteer basis and if desire, your information will be kept confidential by the use of a false name. Upon publication of this work those contributing will receive a copy of the work (even if you use a pseudonym). We will be discussing a sensative yet ethereal topic that is both serious and adult--but I hope we have a little fun too (smile). I invite both men and women to join in the discussion of the topics listed below.THINK ABOUT ... If you have a soulmate... If you think you have one but don't know. If you would like to talk about what a soulmate is... If you would like to talk about your experience with a soulmate... If this soulmate is not the person you are married to but you want to talk about it, you're confidentiality will be held in strictest confidence...PS. If you know someone who you think NEEDS to be in this work because they just can't quit talking about their soulmate (smile) please send them my way: [email protected], or ask them to request to added to this groupPlease email me so you can join today!!!!Thanks.



My Blog

The Literary Co-oP Project Member Badge

http://theliteraryco-op.ning.com View my page on The Literary Co-oP Project Join us!...
Posted by Urban Books Author- Michelle McGriff on Wed, 08 Oct 2008 12:44:00 PST


Okay, I can breathe for a second. Last Breath (formally Next Breath, Formally Dying Breath formally Buddy) is now finished with it's last edits and they will be overnighted Monday. The book will go t...
Posted by Urban Books Author- Michelle McGriff on Sat, 04 Oct 2008 11:30:00 PST


AND IT COMES WITH A HEALTH COMMITTMENT !!!!     CINCH AN INCH and FEEL GREAT about it http://www.shaklee.net/MichelleMcGriff     And it works! I put up photos on MYSPACE ... www.m...
Posted by Urban Books Author- Michelle McGriff on Wed, 01 Oct 2008 02:34:00 PST

What I know youve all been waiting for

EXCERPT-- LAST BREATH (formally Dying Breath) coming 12/30/08 Last Breath by Michelle McGrif Chapter 1 Sunday night, Christmas Eve 2006 No song of well wishes and good cheer was heard, only half utte...
Posted by Urban Books Author- Michelle McGriff on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 02:09:00 PST

Dying Breath (Urban Renaissance) by Michelle McGriff

http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1933967838/ref=cm... Hello there Book Lovers, Only 5 galleys of Michelle McGriff's December release will be sent out hard copy to reviewers and early bird readers. ...
Posted by Urban Books Author- Michelle McGriff on Sun, 21 Sep 2008 12:43:00 PST

When the Gypsy Speaks

Oh hey there, Let me catch you up on what's gwonson... Okay, as you all know, I nailed my final and have 2 more courses to complete in my PhD program. Best news it the last two are not the hardest cou...
Posted by Urban Books Author- Michelle McGriff on Mon, 15 Sep 2008 04:33:00 PST

Accepting some momentary pain.

I'm not even going to put this in my column because it's so much more affecting then to just say I'm pissed. I'm not really pissed... I'm actually not even hurt. Hurt would imply he did something....r...
Posted by Urban Books Author- Michelle McGriff on Sun, 31 Aug 2008 10:47:00 PST

More from.....The Human Experience by Michelle McGriff

The Human Experience is a non-fiction work by Michelle McGriff that has been 35 years in the making. It has a goal release date of August 2010 and will be co-authored with soulmate Mr. C. We'll see......
Posted by Urban Books Author- Michelle McGriff on Fri, 29 Aug 2008 09:58:00 PST

The Human Experience/suppositions from a nonfiction work by Michelle McGriff

It's not that I rushed into any decisions but on the same note, I've not experienced any second thoughts either.  It's just a waiting game now. I put my last egg in the basket today and was glad ...
Posted by Urban Books Author- Michelle McGriff on Sun, 24 Aug 2008 10:12:00 PST

Too long

Melancholy Not too jolly All the folly Is gone Where is my man I'm not ly an I'm left sigh an It's wrong Celibacy Is all for me Could it be Too long Where is my man I'm not ly an I'm here dy an For a...
Posted by Urban Books Author- Michelle McGriff on Sun, 24 Aug 2008 08:53:00 PST