Dan Coody for Mayor profile picture

Dan Coody for Mayor

Let's Keep a Good Thing Going! Re-Elect Dan Coody for Mayor!

About Me

Welcome! And thank you for visiting my site.

We all recognize Fayetteville is one of the best places in the world to live. That's why most of us live here. Our quality of life is excellent. We enjoy the energy of the University of Arkansas, good schools, a healthy business climate, and a low cost of living. We are a community that cares about our fellow citizens whether we are volunteering for a non-profit, helping to rebuild someone's home, cleaning up a park, or pulling together to help victims of a disaster.

We are a safe community, where crime is low and the bad guys get caught. Our Fire Department is one of the best. Children still enjoy Halloween and Lights of the Ozarks is enjoyed by thousands. Our Farmer's Market is uniquely Fayetteville. We are a green community, visually and in our commitment to the enviroment. We love the Arts.

Every aspect of what we love about Fayetteville takes people in leadership roles to pull us together to make things happen. The mayor's job is one of those roles. In this site you will be able to learn about what we have accomplished in the last eight years. I will outline the incredible opportunities that are in front of us, if we continue to move in the same direction.

If you have not been in Fayetteville long, I hope you recognize what a wonderful community we have. If you have been here for a while, I hope you will remember how things were and can appreciate the improvements we enjoy.

You will learn that I don't deliver fire-breathing oratory, yet I am passionate about Fayetteville. I like to discuss facts and ideas. I like to learn from others how we can improve. Some of the best things to have happened here started out as someone's else's idea about how to make Fayetteville better. Collectively, we make a great city.

I will not tell you just what you want to hear to get your vote. I am not one who will tell one group one thing and tell another something different. What I WILL tell you is what what my vision is and what I think it will take to achieve it. What I CAN deliver is results.

Please visit my website to learn more about what we have accomplished and what I believe can be achieved in the future. I will continue to add more content and multiple options for communicating with me or the campaign. If you would like to help, please take a minute to fill out a contact form or register and be able to leave comments on my blog. There will be a frequently asked question page which will be updated as new questions arise that you can read for some quick research.

I have a track record going back twenty years in Fayetteville. My wife, Deborah, and I have been politically active since the day we arrived. I was elected to the City's Board of Directors under the city manager form of government in 1990. I have learned a tremendous amount since then and have helped usher in a change in the way Fayetteville operates. Real change does not happen easily or quickly. That is why I need your support to keep things moving in the right direction without losing our momentum. With your help we can keep a good thing going.

Thank you, Dan Coody

Dan Coody's myspace page is designed and maintained by NWA Graphics, LLC .
Paid for by Coody For Mayor.

My Interests

Re-Elect Mayor Dan Coody Fayetteville Arkansas


Pink Floyd, Dark Side of the Moon, Frank Zappa, Hot Rats, Led Zeppelin, the first album, Bill Evans,Piano Jazz, Manhattan Transfer, Allman Brothers, Uncle Roy's Basson Quartet


A Pure Formality, Mediterraneo, The Mystery of Rampo,Tampopo, Being There, Big Night, Babette's Feast, Finding Ned Flanders, Local Hero


Bill Moyers, Daily Show, the Colbert Report, Frontline, Nova, Monk, Boston Legal

My Blog

Bill Gwatney

We are shocked and saddened to learn about the tragedy in Little Rock today. It is impossible to understand what can motivate a person to do the unthinkable. Bill Gwatney was a good and decent ma...
Posted by Dan Coody for Mayor on Thu, 14 Aug 2008 08:03:00 PST

the Olympics

I hope some of you had a chance to see the men's Olympics. Oh my, the USA was awesome. got to go there is more to come.
Posted by Dan Coody for Mayor on Tue, 12 Aug 2008 08:40:00 PST

Activism and entertainment

Deborah and I had a interesting and fun time last night. First we attended a workshop on how to stop dirty coal plants from being built near us and degrading our streams with mercury and threatening o...
Posted by Dan Coody for Mayor on Thu, 07 Aug 2008 08:11:00 PST

Farmers Market

Deborah and I had a great Day at the farmer's market. Saw lots of good friends and gave away about 50 yard signs. We didn't even have a chance to sample all the great salsas. If we missed you be sure ...
Posted by Dan Coody for Mayor on Sat, 02 Aug 2008 12:31:00 PST

check out Citiscapes

Be sure to check out the latest green issue of Citiscapes Magazine. It has all the latest goings on with our Green Valley initiatives. Be sure to read page 64 so you can better understand my involveme...
Posted by Dan Coody for Mayor on Fri, 01 Aug 2008 12:41:00 PST