Pee Wee Herman, Dennis Rodman, Chris Farley, Quentin Tarantino, Bruce Campbell, Rob Zombie....and Capt. Spaulding!!I also would like to meet and go on adventures with the WonderPets!!! here is a great WTF video...I have no clue what these people are thinking, but this has to be THE WORST MUSIC VIDEO EVER!! It's called "I Want to Love You Tender" by Armi and Danny (they're from Finland..that might explain it a bit)
Oh wait..maybe THIS is the worst music video ever...
In honor of my love for horrible, cheesy movies, check out
this classic!!
Now, I need help with this one...this is a scene from a movie called "The Amazing Mr. No Legs"'s either the greatest kung fu movie ever...or the worst kung fu movie ever...I haven't decided yet. I think I am leaning towards the best ever, though!!
Hey, speaking of handicapped kung fu masters...who can forget this gem: