Join us at our events across Northwest Arkansas!Membership in NWAYP is
FREE @ . On the home page, click the register link (on the left) and fill out the form. You'll then be registered as an official member of the largest, fastest growing, young professionals organization in Arkansas. You'll begin recieving the newsletter, informing you of when and where these events are happening. Plus, members get discounts at local businesses that want to reach the YP demographic. We DO NOT share your profile info.I know what you're thinking: "Nothing's free." And you're right. It takes an effort to put events together, but as a member-run organization our volunteers do the work and our sponsors pay the costs. We take donations at the doors (sometimes cash, sometimes clothing donations, sometimes canned get the picture). At our luncheons there might be a cost for the food, but our sponsors cover most of that, too.We offer scholarships for Arkansas high school seniors planning to attend Arkansas colleges or universities. For more info, check it out at
Mission Statement:
Northwest Arkansas Young Professionals (NWAYP) endeavors to offer professional development of members (age 21 & up) through networking events, volunteerism, social events and fund-raisers. NWAYP promotes local businesses and other charitable organizations, while working to improve the quality of life for young professionals in the region, as well as local students through the creation of a scholarship endowment fund for the benefit of two graduating high school Seniors.
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