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Just a thought to ponder.. The truth makes me bleedWalking the endless miles to the fun,fun,fun that awaits my existence, perpetually I have been forced to succumb to a humanistic discovery encompassing the rights and wrongs comitted upon my endeavors.Lifes trials and experiences are points of wisdom to guide us onward towards our individual happiness "for the big win". Explainations forthcoming, where to begin? Happiness brings a grin, is it merely due to sin? I have begun to embrace life, this reality now apparent. Allowing others to distract progress by creating drama an inescapable detour towards strife. I wish I wasn't as prone to sleeping on the edges of that knife.I do not know what I wantI do not know what I needI would like to state that..The truth makes me bleedHunger for so many unending, grinds the weakness from my thoughts. Lord, does anyone have the answers to ending all the wars being fought? Truth consciously sought, peace and equality should be inherent, sadly, a reality that can't be taught. People of power blinded by greed close your eyes, release all the prebubescent emotions restraining empathy tightly held within a knot, disquised umongst deplorable political idealogies and embrace the human melting pot.Maturity climbs the exterior walls to existence in each of us differently. We as a generation need to embrace and positively reinforce those who make sacrifices to altruistically create a better world to live in. Very few take notice to the world our global governments are forging unabaited. Involvement in this enormous struggle allows the escape from the torments of this truth; Addictions are uncompromising, sobriety evicted upon birth, to love and be loved, does my destiny include such formidable aspirations?I do not know what I wantI do not know what I needI would simply like to say that..The truth makes me bleedThoughts and actions bordering upon the erratic, without cause, may create stress and tremendous public static. Researching with objectiveness, patience to think outside any predetermined box, embracing all earths creatures, these would help in ending hate filled pain and suffering whilts fostering a time far less traumatic. Wisdom is ours to learn from, mistakes not imbued in concrete everlasting. Where I live is different from many nations on earth, our turmoils and struggles do not involve wide spread disease and involuntary fasting...The truth should make you bleed..pvpatterson 06 Flavordville/Plastick Nation