DREAMER - Chau Van Truong faces his destiny..
RELENTLESS PURSUIT - Documentary on 'Secrets Kept'....Chau Van Truong is taking all the death threats to the LAPD.... Thanks to all the stupid wannabe thugs for putting their own a$$ in jail.. I thought I am lovable but I guess I am not. I usually take you mother f%23@kers out myself but I don't want to dirty my hands. Anyways, one of you f%23@kers might have kryptonite. I am only Clark Kent with the intellectual glasses on.... You can't kill me b!+ches.........
Get Scrolling Friends & Comments CodeNAISA MAFIA speaks::::
(PAPITATION OF REALITY)Hollywood is calling us stupid. Hollywood is putting out movies that shame us. Where are they getting these materials?,
Authors are calling us illiterate. Must we let this go on forever? Must we kowtow to this slander any longer?
We, the audience to their creativities and to their livelihood, demand Hollywood to stop calling us fools. To entertain us means they must produce better movies and books, with better stories and plots that we can relate and connect to.
My book title The Naisa Mafia: Chronicle Of The Godfather shows no hero can outgun armies of criminals with one gun. No one man can infiltrate an organization when he is of a different race. No knight in armor who walks into the scene and take the maiden in distress when so many before him have tried and failed. The Naisa Mafia: Chronicle Of The Godfather is based on possibilities and is in the realm of reality.
Have you ever felt doomed to normalcy due to the order of your birth? Have you ever been willing to do anything to win the favor of a family who holds it hostage dependingon the choices you made?
TheNaisa Mafia: Chronicle Of The Godfather is a saga in the rise and fall of the man name Phi-Long Tran - Godfather of the Naisa Mafia, who started and operated the most powerful international crime syndicate. The brutality and the ruthlessness in his reign are chronicled through his footsteps as he tries to remain on top.
As a boy, Phi-Long seeks his father’s approval and his mother’s understanding. In his quest, he finds none. No matter how hard he tries, Phi-Long is denied. In order to find the love he desired, he starts a surrogate family fueled by the dark primitive instincts of men and that is to rule with extreme prejudice. To become a man of honor and respect, he must adhere to the fear of his trade and that is to kill all who goes against him.
An enigma to the people Phi-Long commandeered and to the victims he left behind, the readers will see the struggles and humanities of the Godfather through his own eyes. The revelation of the monster he becomes to the salvation of a man who will redeem himself.
The Naisa Mafia: Chronicle of the Godfather is available on naisa-usa.com, on amazon.com, on the recommended list at bookwire.com, tuluc.com, and other venues. Please request it at your local bookstore.
I also have a series titled For The Love Of The Kill that is currently in publication. Even though, I am a published author and an aspiring filmmaker, I will do rewrites or adaptations. I am able to travel to any city to meet with you to discuss my scripts and story ideas.Title: The NAISA MAFIA `Chronicle of The Godfather`
Author: Chau Van Truong
ISBN: 0-9747935-0-7
Category: Fiction
Length: 317 pages
Retail Price: $11.99Are you thug enough to be in family?????
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'THE NAISA MAFIA: Chronicle OF The Godfather'
before it sells out - Now available at a store near you:THE UNDERGROUD - located at 3367 Telegraph Rd., - Ventura, CA 93003 - phone 805-644-0064..... A great and relaxing experience. Coffee, free wireless internet, live music venue, poetry reading, etc.ISLA VISTA BOOKSTORE - located in the Santa Barbara Campus at 6553 Pardall Rd. - Goleta, CA 93117 - phone 805-968-3600.....BOOK DEN - located near State Street at 11 E. Anapamu St. - Santa Barbara, CA 93101 - phone 805-962-2844…..BANK OF BOOKS – (805) 643-3154 – 391 E. Main St. – Downtown Ventura, CA….J.J. OUTLET INC. dba. Y&K T-SHIRTS WAREHOUSE – located on the rear left lane of BEST BUY on Rose Ave. exit at 1975 Lockwood St. – Oxnard, CA 93030 – phone 805-983-0416…..TULUC BOOKSTORE – located at 14318 Brookhurst St. – Garden Grove, CA 92843 – phone 714-531-5290/893-3456 – email buybooks@tuluc.com …..Or Visit http://www.naisa-usa.com to purchase, read the script, download the music, and see what the excitement is about!Also buy 'THE NAISA MAFIA: Chronicle OF The Godfather' at http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0974793507/qid
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Chau Van Truong faces his destiny..SECRETS KEPT's pitch - calling out to actors/actresses/investors/agents/promoters/interested parties/readers/critics/etc. - Enjoy the vision... Remember the passion....'SECRETS KEPT' is a story in 'FOR THE LOVE OF THE KILL' series written by CHAU VAN TRUONG. The pitch is performed by Tan Nguyen and Pauline of 'THE UNDERGROUND COFFEE HOUSE' in Ventura, CA....
RELENTLESS PURSUIT - Documentary on 'Secrets Kept'....Chau Van Truong is taking all the death threats to the LAPD.... Thanks to all the stupid wannabe thugs for putting their own a$$ in jail.. I thought I am lovable but I guess I am not. I usually take you mother f%23@kers out myself but I don't want to dirty my hands. Anyways, one of you f%23@kers might have kryptonite. I am only Clark Kent with the intellectual glasses on.... You can't kill me b!+ches.........
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Film was sick. I loved it.
THE EXCHANGE – short film on google video – WATCH & ENJOY