Tyler profile picture


I forget to breathe sometimes.

About Me

The War on Terror
As viewed from the Bourne shell.
$ cd /middle_east
$ ls
Afghanistan Iraq Libya Saudi_Arabia UAE
Algeria Israel Morrocco Sudan Yemen
Bahrain Jordan Oman Syria
Egypt Kuwait Palestine Tunisia
Iran Lebanon Qatar Turkey
$ cd Afghanistan
$ ls
bin Taliban
$ rm Taliban
rm: Taliban is a directory
$ cd Taliban
$ ls
$ rm soldiers
$ cd ..
$ rmdir Taliban
rmdir: directory "Taliban": Directory not empty
$ cd Taliban
$ ls -a
. .. .insurgents
$ chown -R USA .*
chown: .insurgents: Not owner
$ cd ..
$ su
Password: *******
# mv Taliban /tmp
# exit
$ ls
$ cd bin
$ ls
$ cd ..
$ rm -r bin/laden
bin/laden: No such file or directory
$ find / -name laden
$ su
Password: *******
# mv bin /tmp
# exit
$ pwd
$ cd /opt/UN
$ ln -s /Bad_Guys/Al_Qaeda /middle_east/Iraq/.
ln: cannot create /middle_east/Iraq/Al_Qaeda:
Permission denied
$ su
# ln -s /Bad_Guys/Al_Qaeda /middle_east/Iraq/.
# cd /middle_east/Iraq/Al_Qaeda
Al_Qaeda: does not exist
# rm /middle_east/Iraq/Al_Qaeda
# mkfile 100g /middle_east/Iraq/Al_Qaeda
mkfile: No space left on device
# rm /middle_east/Iraq/Al_Qaeda
# cd /opt/Coalition/Willing
# mkfile 1b /middle_east/Iraq/Al_Qaeda
# chown -R USA:Proof /middle_east/Iraq/Al_Qaeda
$ cd /middle_east/Iraq
$ ls
$ ls
$ ls
$ ls -a
. .. saddam
$ find / -name [Ww][Mm][Dd]
$ wall Propaganda.txt
Broadcast Message from USA (pts/1) on
USS_Abraham_Lincoln Th May 1st
Mission Accomplished!
$ rm saddam
saddam: No such file or directory
$ find / -name saddam
$ wall NewsWorthy.txt
Broadcast Message from USA (pts/1) on Time.Magazine Sat
Dec 13
We Got Him!
$ mv /var/opt/dictators/spiderhole/saddam /opt/jail
$ cd /opt/USA
$ cp -Rp Democracy /middle_east/Iraq
$ cd /middle_east/Iraq/Democracy
$ ./install
Install Error: Install failed. See install_log for
$ more install_log
Installed failed!
Prerequisite packages missing
Conflicting package Wahhabism found in
Packages Church and State must be installed separately
File System /PeakOil nearing capacity
Please read the install guide to properly plan your

My Interests

Ignorance is interesting. Science, music, art, empathy and other social understandings are interesting to me.

I'd like to meet:

Someone that is thinking and someone that doesn't fit into the mold of U.S. Of A. Someone that doesn't subscribe to the the consumer culture. Someone with a head that is more for thinking than cosmetics.


Happiness, Clay Pigeons, U-Turn, Fargo, In the soup,


Family Guy, Nova, Squid Billies, Metalocolypse, Daily Show, Good Eats, Twilight Zone


Chomsky, O'Reilly, Apress, wikipedia


David Cross, Jimmy Carter, Thor, Phoenix Metro Bus Drivers, Richard Dawkins, Mark Shuttleworth, Jim Beam, Those dudes that sold youtube.com for 1.6 billion dollars

My Blog

dreams.. is dey good or is dey whack?

last night i came home from work exhuasted and sleep for most the night and had some of the most vivid dreams that I have had for a long time... I had a dream about an exgirl friend that I thought tha...
Posted by Tyler on Thu, 01 Jun 2006 12:01:00 PST


Sid died today... Sid started Reburn off and that guy did a lot for me throughout the years and was honestly a family man that was trying to help out lowlife fuckers like myself... That guy understood...
Posted by Tyler on Sun, 23 Apr 2006 04:29:00 PST

fuck me...

What the hell is this coming too? I bust my ass for longer than I can imagine, move to the middle of hell Iowa, am on call 24/7, and give and give and give. Now the company(s) that I work for are bick...
Posted by Tyler on Thu, 06 Apr 2006 10:52:00 PST