brentFIASCO profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Excitable Disgruntled Fun Addict

Benevolent Punk-ass who (almost) always means well, though it (almost) never shows.

Perpetrator of the ridiculous prone to absurd injury

Dedicated practitioner of both Self-Improvement and Self-Destruction

Breaker of elderly hearts and shoplifter of markers.

Don't be fooled by my quick impulse- I have thought about things very carefully.

My Interests

Flesh Wounds

Making Things


Polar Opposites

Hitting things with Sticks


Wierd Flukes
Making out with Smokers

Anything based on Throwing or Catching

Nonsensical Sex Acts



Mania induced by exposure to Those Things. Or other things

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who can make my Head spin
Especially those who can do so when no one sees it coming.

Partners in obscenity, mayhem, hijinks, mischief, Tom foolery, shenanegans, consensual stabbings, carousing, and/or freeway headstands. .
Documentarians of these events.

Loquacious Slackers with strong medical Knowledge


Girls who put make up on their hand and pretend to be conjoined twins.

People with Bad Teeth and no Insurance who have Faith in the Steadiness of my Hands


Phenomenauts, Mike Patton, Edith Piaf, John Wayne, Ween, Mario Music (especially the main song, the under water song, and the one that plays when you race the penguin in 64)

Rock and Roll that's just barely too Awesome to be shitty


All of them except the Village. Probably hate Lady in the Water, too, but I couldn't make myself watch enough to form a fair opinion.


The Clip where the Falcon Shits on the Kid


Sacred Heart, Zero, Red Son, Malicious Resplendence, The ones I draw in

My Blog

From the year 2000!!

Some old ass shit that was just unearthed. Completely devoid of technical skill, but they still make me happy. And the Strawberry Theif will probably be translated into a diorama someday soon, misspel...
Posted by brentFIASCO on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 10:57:00 PST

Johnny Bing-Bongs Brand New Shoes

Johnny Bing-Bong's Brand New Shoes And his Remeniscence of a simpler time, specifically the Brief but nonetheless Wildly satisfying Power Strut seconds before the Chase Ensued:...
Posted by brentFIASCO on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 01:38:00 PST

Be like us,talk Shit to Shittalkers!!

So we went and saw Dragon Wars (no, wait. That's not the good part) and it was pretty terrible. There was about 15 minutes of decent Big Monsters Fucking Up a City footage (with mediocre cgi) and mayb...
Posted by brentFIASCO on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 01:38:00 PST

You probably don’t want to look at this.

From the Frederick's of Hollywood 2006 holliday catalog, (item 90974), the maribou trimmed jinglebell crotchless panty:They are big enough to fit me and someone else at the same time. That is not an i...
Posted by brentFIASCO on Mon, 27 Aug 2007 05:22:00 PST

Didn't we go to Colorado?

YES!! And finally there is proof!!Colorado springs is an amazing place. There are Gnome houses, troll bridges, fairies, and pixie-dust locksmithing.Sounds pretty fruitty, but it really wasn't because ...
Posted by brentFIASCO on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 02:18:00 PST

Pervert! Review

Pervert! is an amazing movie. Please watch it. Save any complaints about base, low brow sensationalist entertainment for easter dinner with Grandma and impressing the leather patches on the elbows cro...
Posted by brentFIASCO on Tue, 29 May 2007 04:12:00 PST

Secret Ingrediants Revealed!!

Not the yellow mustard in the back- it just snuck into the picture to belong....
Posted by brentFIASCO on Sat, 28 Apr 2007 03:27:00 PST


While grocery shopping with Anna earlier, I went to point at something and realised my hand was occupied by a 750mL bottle of Jaggermeister. Nothing really remarkable about that, except not only did I...
Posted by brentFIASCO on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 08:33:00 PST

Silent Scream

As I was about to get a movie I have been meaning to see for months, Silent Scream caught my eye. After only reading "...weekend at his remote vacation home..", I knew I couldn't go home without itThi...
Posted by brentFIASCO on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 12:27:00 PST

How, Jeff, how?!?

While eating a pickle I realised there's nothing I own three of. After a brief look around at my things, I confronted Jeff and Anna with this fact. They, of course listed tons of items they had three ...
Posted by brentFIASCO on Sat, 03 Feb 2007 12:06:00 PST