amanda profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I currently go to school to become a Nuclear Med. Tech. and if you know me than you are probably saying wow! I love to hang out with my friends. I have been dating the same guy for 6 years. I know it has been a long time :) I have a little dog named "Pepper" that I absolutley adore. And if you want to know anything else just ask.found this flowers layout at HOT

My Interests

At the present moment my only interest is to finish school and survive it!!!

I'd like to meet:

Jason Lee and Jared Leto(THERE BOTH HOT!) and Angelina Jolie so I can ask her to kiss my boyfriend so I don't have to listen to him anymore!


I like anything and everything. I like whatever Aaron puts on my Ipod, because I have to!! I also love to go see my friends bands play. You'r always garaunteed a good time.


Walk the Line, Cinderella Man, Old School, Bad Santa, Lord of the Rings, Super Size Me. I hate scary movies, they give me nightmares. But I love funny and real movies!!!


Discovery Channel, Animal Planet, Grey's Anatomy, October Road, The Saprano's, Borther and Sisters, and HGTV!


I love to read, and I'll read anything anyone recomends! (I know I'm a dork)


My Mom

My Blog


So I've never posted a blog before, but I thought that this reason was worth posting. This month marks my one year anniversary of me giving up cigarettes!!!! I am no longer a smoker. I can't...
Posted by amanda on Wed, 01 Mar 2006 01:07:00 PST