AZ MH profile picture


My record keeps spinning.... font size=2

About Me

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My Interests

God, my family, relatives & REAL friends!!!! Mitchell & our puppydog Hendrix. LoVe ~ HaPpInEsS ~ HeAlTh ~ MUSIC ~ the guitar ~ my record player ~ poetry ~ laughter ~ camping ~ physical activities (like sports for all the dirty minds out there) ~ massages ~ dancing ~ smells (like my mom's cooking or the rain) ~ photography ~ vintage clothes, lamps, chairs, etc. ~ history ~ our environment ~ charities ~ learning about something new everyday ~ SIMPLICITY!!!! Being outside with the sun on my back & a cool breeze across it (ahhh). FIRE/WATER!!!! Traveling to old & new destinations. Being able to still surprise myself & laugh at myself ~ tee hee hee!!!! And of course.... BEER :} Need I say more.. . .

I'd like to meet:

Someone new everyday. . . . Myspace Contact Tables


I LOVE mostly anything I listen to, but for starters. . .. The Blues ~ Jazz ~ Old Country ~ Bluegrass ~ Swing ~ Rock ~ PunkRock ~ HipHop ~ R&B ~ House/Dance ~ Rockabilly ~ Indie.... & the beat goes on & on & on.. . .


Don't watch a whole lot of movies, but I like independent films ~ documetaries ~ based on true stories. . ..


The Simpsons ~ Seinfeld ~ Mystery Science Theater :). The Discovery Channels ~ the MUSIC channels ~ sports channels ~ food channels ~ home & garden channels ~ the history channels ~ the news channels ~ basically anything that is educational. Wait.... who has time for T.V.?


Don't read as much as I should, but I LoVe POETRY ~ The Bible ~ auto-biography's ~ biography's ~ a lot of history books ~ again, anything educational (that's not too boring & benefits my well being) ~ art & photography books ~ & music mags.


My family (that includes my TrUeSt friends) :] bcuz I don't know life without them & without them, my life wouldn't make sense & a girl couldn't ask for anything more.... I most richly blessed!!!!

My Blog

Massage anyone?. . .

FINALLY I have done it ~ I have graduated from AZ School for Massage Therapy ~ YIPPIE!!!!  So if anyone is lookin for a massage, just let me know.... and if I can't provide you w/what you need, t...
Posted by AZ MH on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 12:02:00 PST