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Johnny Volume

black eyes and blacker hearts...

About Me

I like to people watch, I love airports, going to shows, buying records, drinking all night till the sun comes up, then sleeping all day. Breakfast is my favorite meal. Roadtrips are always fun, getting there is always the best part. I love tattoos and would have more if I had the cash. Money means nothing to me, so therefore I never have any. I only care about being happy and if my friends are as well. I love my friends and will kill for them if need be, so don't fuck with them. Stevens was my soulmate, he's a cat, think about his name, it rules. Eldridge is the man-cat. Betty was my car, I loved her. She was my automobile soul-mate. She had no cd player, and the same tapes got played over and over even though there were many, The "Demons" Misfits and Against Me! usually. I have a new as of yet nameless car, it has a cd player. I don't mind being the driver and picking up my crew for a night at the bar or a show. I love to ride my bike, but don't enough. I don't mind riding in the summer heat of AZ. I eat what I want, and I don't want to eat flesh.

My Interests

The B & Me!Records usually are required for most things I do. I use the term records loosely, as a piece of work not exclusive to format, but I do love vinyl...I live in a one horse, two timing, three tavern town... Me and Marty of Rock 'N Roll Soliders the master of disater!


First and foremost the Tim Barry solo records fuckin' kill!! He played my backyard once, try and top that, you can't!! Waylon, Hank Sr. Jr. & III, Unknown Hinson, Detroit Cobras, Northside Kings, Casket Life, MISFITS/Samhain,Black Sabbath, Rancid, Alkaline Trio, GUNS 'N ROSES, Bob Dylan, Nebula, Supersuckers, Slayer, Jawbreaker, Iron Maiden, Coltrane, Miles, Johnny Cash, Radiohead, Descendents, Leonard Cohen, Elliott Smith, Iron & Wine, Marvin Gaye, Steve Rodgers/Mighty Purple, Cable, Wilco, Ryan Adams, The Clash, Embrace, Buzzcocks, Mando Diao, Lars & The Bastards, Brant Bjork, Minor Threat, Bad Brains, Judas Priest, Hellacopters, Joy Division, the Rev, ISIS, Ramones, Fu Manchu, Teen Idols, Kyuss, Mondo Generator, The Smiths, Fugazi, From Ashes Rise, Slint, Pink Floyd, Lifetime, Uncle Tupelo, Stooges, Sleep, NWA, MC5, Turbonegro, AC/DC, Echo & The Bunnymen, the Church, High On Fire, My Bloody Valentine, BRMC, Hot Water Music, Cave In, Skatalites, Coldplay, Stryper, Pixies, Jesus And Mary Chain, Avail, "DEMONS", Queens Of The Stone Age, Fantomas, Will Oldham, Pavement, Probot, Wildhearts, Willie Nelson, Coalesce, Neurosis, Ornette Coleman, Riverboat Gamblers, Jimmy Cliff, Libertines, Soul Merchants.


Fuckin' JAWS!!! Farenheit 911,Outfoxed,Bush Family Fortunes,Unpresidented,Uncovered, all Kevin Smith, John Hughes, anything with John Candy, Donnie Darko, Kill Bill, Jackie Brown, Star Wars, Platoon, True Romance, Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrells, Snatch, High Fidelity, Say Anything, I Heart Huckabees, Garden State,Party Monsters, Seriously Mean Girls rules, I hate to say it cause I hate that Lyndsey Lohen. "Who Cares" the Duane Peters story. I am interested in checking out No Direction Home, the Dylan bio. Gimme Shelter, The Last Waltz, Great Rock 'N Roll Swindel, Resurection Turbonegro,


Family Guy, the Simpsons, Arrested Development. Shark Week rules! Lock Down, Gangland, Seinfeld, That 70's Show, but really I hate to have shows that I watch because I don't want to be tied to having to watch something on a regular basis, which is why I watch shit in syndication.....


Kerouac, Bukowski, Burroughs, history books. House Of Bush House Of Saud. Against All Enemies by Richard Clarke. All by Chuck Klosterman. I dig country music biographies like ones about Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson snd good ole Hank Williams. Lords Of Chaos, about the Black Metal Scene in Norway.


My mom, Mumia Abu-Jamal, Bob Dylan, Huey Newton, Curt Schilling, Howard Zinn, the '86 Mets, if you can win that drunk and on that much blow, come on...'04 Red Sox, the New England in me cried a little with that win...

My Blog

The kids, they crack me up, they really do...

Some young kid tried to argue some stupid ass shit w/ me the other night. It's one thing when you say stupid shit, but then to try and say that I played Staind? Fuckin' Staind? Come the fuck on. ...
Posted by Johnny Volume on Sat, 07 Jun 2008 07:41:00 PST


Rants ala Dennis Miller ..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />  Clichés are not song lyrics! I don't give a fuck if you are Madonna or a band still in the gara...
Posted by Johnny Volume on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 12:09:00 PST

I have got some picks and goodies for you...

I am going to start "blogging" some of my picks and musical recommendations. Some will be records, some maybe shows, and maybe some will be films, we'll see&.First and foremost our own Chip Hanna (ex ...
Posted by Johnny Volume on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 10:53:00 PST

I did it, you can too whatever...

i, america. This one's for you.   Here's how to play...Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird, random things, facts, habits or goals about yourself. At the end, choose ...
Posted by Johnny Volume on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 08:07:00 PST

Johnny Volumes guide to shit that ruled in 2007

Top Shit of 2007 Records   1.Chip Hanna & The ..:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Berlin Three-S/T LP 2.Smoke Or Fire-The Sinking Ship LP 3.Turbonegr...
Posted by Johnny Volume on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 02:51:00 PST

I will be playing country records @ Yucca 10/28, come out....

That's right Johnny Volume is busting out some punk goes country and the like filling in for DJ Dana @ Valley Fever at the Yucca Tap Room this Sunday Oct. 28th. Adam Lee Cogswell is going to play you ...
Posted by Johnny Volume on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 01:26:00 PST

Wishing for the days, When I first wore this suit

It seems that these days there are so many folks doing some serious complaining about music. This is prompted by the recent topic on about the Clubhouse and the security issues. I personall...
Posted by Johnny Volume on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 02:50:00 PST

Check this rad shit out...rarely seen shark...

This is so awesome, watch the video too, cause that shit is rare as hell...I love sharks. index.html...
Posted by Johnny Volume on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 09:29:00 PST


Check it.... olver.html   Now come and be a part of it......
Posted by Johnny Volume on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 07:29:00 PST

Banned In Tempe 01/03/07

The first Banned In Tempe of 2007 is going to be a doozie! The Newtimes are going to be there snaping photos to go along with an article. So get your ass down there and be famous. And drink away whate...
Posted by Johnny Volume on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 12:17:00 PST