My daughter Brooklynn Lotus. Caffiene. Change. Architecture. Ghost Towns.
Old friends & Hooligans.
Punk Rock (well it used to be called HardCore but then metalhead kids with eyeliner and Tony Brummell got ahold of it), Hip Hop, Reggae, Brit Pop, 60s Soul, Southern Swamp Rock. Rebel music. say something, feel something, destroy something, rebuild something. Damn it just do SOMETHING!
Hours of mindless gangster violence & teeny bopper chick flicks.
Yankees. Lost. Travel Channel. Rachel Ray. Oh and Jeremx is trying to get me into Heroes, but I can already see where that is going.
I only read non-fiction books, anything boring and mundane about history and the lives of people who have been dead for many years. Also religious philosophy (you know we are all dying and there aint a saint among us...right?) Oh and I love a book where the main character is more fucked up than me.
Our Lord Jesus Christ, my parents, my daughter Brooklynn Lotus, my daughters mother Jennifer Eldredge. Of course as we all know a hero aint nuthin' but a sandwich and a legend aint nuthin' but a car...