StuperDave profile picture


June upcoming StuperMan shows~ Porcelain God June 2 @ Station 4, DMX June 24 @ The Rock ...more comi

About Me

Hard rockin music fan, homerun crushin sports fan, outgoingletshangoutanddrink type of guy, way less mature than I should be. I'm pretty easy going, if I were any more laid back I'd probably fall over. I'd like to think that I'm a pretty cool guy, but that's for everyone else to determine. I am a huge hard rockin music fan, & I was also the leasehold owner of the Star Central live room club in Columbia Heights, MN. It was cool while it lasted, having a kick ass music fan running a large metal music club in MN! But the venue could not be saved, as it was leased out to the store next door :( I will still be involved with funding and promoting other national shows at other venues until I get another venue, so keep a lookout for StuperMan, Inc shows coming to the Twin Cities! Check out my upcoming shows...

My Interests

Singing on stage, playing ball, watching Jenna Jameson, rockin out to Rage Against the Machine, playing guitar, wondering who Pamela Anderson is with this week, football, basketball, baseball, SevenDust, driving a little too fast, Tool, my 3 boyz, AudioSlave, drinking 37 beers on the way to Chicago, Disturbed, a good local rock show~

I'd like to meet:

...everyone who wants to kick it with me! Be it at a rockin music show, a Vikes or Twins game, at the bar or any time there is a party & people having a good time.Show me how much I phukkin rock!My ImageShack Page


I manage INSURRECT! (check out the hook on those phukkers)~ I like & support a shit-ton of good local bands~ 13th Step, Buried by Hope, Dying Euforia, Cold Colours, of course, INSURRECT, & 100 or so more...I get in a different mood to listen to a lot of different bands at different times... probably like everyone else does~ But I dig mostly stuff like Rage Against the Machine, AudioSlave, SevenDust, Tool, the 90's Seattle bands, Beastie Boys, select 80's stuff (old Metallica, Megadeth, Iron Maiden, old Anthrax, GnR, etc), 311, Micheal Patton stuff, Chili Peppers, A Perfect Circle, System of a Down, Tenacious D, Presidents of the USA, Velvet Revolver, and a buttload of other musical interests & influences... I ain't gonna go on and on and on... blah blah-
Rockin Music Reviews


Which Horror Killer are You?
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What house of 1000 corpses character are you?

This guy is the real deal. It doesn't get more, crazy, disgusting, insane, brutal, or psychotic more than this. He is the servant to Dr. Satan. He will chew you up and spit you back out. Literally.

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!


My Dad & myself.

My Blog

Anyone use Facebook?

Anyone use Facebook?  I recently started a profile page, but haven't gotten into it much yet.  I guess I'll have to dink with it to get more familiar... Any of you use Facebook?  If so,...
Posted by StuperDave on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 03:39:00 PST