Sasquatch Bob was born and raised in the dark and dangerous swamps of Papua New Guineau where he survived by foraging for berries and small rodents. Rumours of this strange child beast started to crop up in travel journals and on those kind of websites where people with no girlfriends talk about the plot holes in the X Files! The legend and myth surrounding him grew by the day and it wasn't long before he was captured at the age of ten by an intrepid explorer, hunter and trapper who transported him back to England to make his fortune by selling the creature as a circus freak.
Things didn't go quite as planned though, the gnawed remains of the hunter were found aboard a deserted, derelict cargo ship floating several miles off the coast near Scarborough.
Using his natural instincts of survival and cunning, (and the shaving of strategic parts of his face in an attempt to look more human) the creature blended in to the seedy underbelly of modern society and disappeared from public sight for many many years.
Bearded, bass playing, hard rocking, hard drinking biker!That kind o' sums me up really.
I'm a biker, I play bass in 2 fucking great bands and I drink too much
I play bass in a very metal and very loud 80's style thrash band called Let 'Em Burn featuring Robb and John from top Bradford metal band Bloodstream .
I also play bass in the world's coolest rock band BLUNDERBUSS with some of my best mates, Mark Yates and Danny Lambert !!! We ruuuuuuuuule!!!!!! We play proper old fashioned 'ard rock and 'eavy metal, none of this nu shite or prog nonsense. Although we're having a bit of a time out to concentrate on other stuff at the moment, we still rule.
Go add both bands to your friends NOW! and
The bass rocks, female bass players rock too, and if you want to read more about my love of bass, check out my interview at PLANET BASS , click on "Bass Players" then "S" (for Sasquatch obviously!)
I get bored easily so also made my own website, which I add stuff to occasionally, feel free to go have a nosey and leave me nice comments, it's
I'm also a right sensible, loving, normal dad to 2 evil children, Lilly-May and Elle. Lilly's 11 and turning into a right proper little rock chick, she loves Anthrax, Motorhead and motorbikes so I must have done something right. Elle's rebelling though, she likes dolls and anythink pink and to do with princesses! She's only 6 though so she might grow out of it. They're both ace but the little buggers certainly keep me busy. They also have a mum, who strangely enough is also my wife. She's Cera and she puts up with me and my drunken ways. Where would I be without her?
See ya
Sasquatch Bob
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