Speaking Polish, www.channelchaos.com, Long Hair (its a Primal Thing), Cartoons, My Dog Ju Ju, Great Sushi, The New York Mets, Really Bad B-Movies, Mom's Perogi's. Sumo Wrestling, The Smell of Vicks Vapor rub, The Taste of Tea with lemon, popcorn, New York Bagels, Windy days, Short Skirts, Jetskiing, The Majesty of the ocean..
The Kool Aid Man....oh YEAH!!!
Burnt Coyote, The Kumquat Konspiracy, Kiss, Disturbed. Rob Zombie, Rammstien, Buckcherry, STP, KIX, Dangerous Toys, Cinderella, The Scream, Saigon Kick, ...Lung Bubble and the Bavarian Cheese Whistle Ochestra
Anything from the Something Weird VdeoCatalogue...Scifi, PLanet of the Apes (60's), James Bond Movies, Really Bad B-Movies, Anything Peter Sellers, All the Sean Connery, Monty Python, Anything Roger Moore. British Comedies
The television is a box which transmits entertaibment to the masses....oh you mean what I watch on it?.... Seinfeld, The Tick, Duckman, Star Trek, The Avengers, Dead Ringers, Keeping up Appearancs (My Mom likes this one too)...The Saint, The Persuaders (anything Roger Moore) Anything on TV Polonia, The Young Ones, Justice League and all the Animated Batman Stuff
speak polish 1st edition.
My Dad and Mom, Roger Luce, Duane Doherty, Jon Duncan.....and the Kool Aid Man