byHizgrc profile picture


Let Go & Let GOD!

About Me

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I'm a single mom looking for love. My daughter is 6 y/o and the light of my life! I've been single for about 6 years. FYI, I'm NOT looking for a "baby daddy". She already has a daddy, even though he's NOT an active one. Quite frankly, he's a deadbeat! I love babies/children, and if it is GOD's will, I would love to have another baby/babies some day.
I believe in and love GOD with all my heart!!! I attend the most awesome church (Christian Heritage Church)! However, I often have to miss for reasons that are beyond my control. I'm chronically ill, so I feel bad A LOT. I am being treated, so I'm not like dead or on my deathbed, but sometimes, I just cant be as active as I'd like to be. So, don't assume that I don't like to be active b/c I LUV doing so many activities!
I'm took a break from college for about 3 years b/c of my health. However, I just started back this past semester (Spring '07). I'm working my nursing degree. When I'm done, I will have my LPN, but I fully plan on continuing that to a RN degree. If all goes well, I should be done the end of Summer '08 semester. When I finish, my dream is to work in a NICU (neonatal ICU) w/ sick babies, premies...
Hmmm...I think I'll end at that. Gotta have somethin' to talk about later!
If you are a friend and come across my space, or if you're just meeting me and find me interesting, holla at me. Look forward to hearing from ya!
God Bless!!
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..type='hidden' name='question1' value='MISCELLANEOUS'..type='hidden' name='type1' value='2'
Birthdate? March 29..type='hidden' name='question2' value='Birthdate%3F'..type='hidden' name='type2' value='1'
Birthplace? Wabash, IN..type='hidden' name='question3' value='Birthplace%3F'..type='hidden' name='type3' value='1'
Eye color? Hazel..type='hidden' name='question4' value='Eye+color%3F'..type='hidden' name='type4' value='1'
Hair color? Dark Blonde..type='hidden' name='question5' value='Hair+color%3F'..type='hidden' name='type5' value='1'
Piercings? 10 - 5 in R ear, 4 in L ear, & 1 in tongue..type='hidden' name='question6' value='Piercings%3F'..type='hidden' name='type6' value='1'
Tatoos? Thought about it..type='hidden' name='question7' value='Tatoos%3F'..type='hidden' name='type7' value='1'
.. of Regrets? Too many to count..type='hidden' name='question8' value='%23+of+Regrets%3F'..type='hidden' name='type8' value='1'
Country you want to visit? Anywhere in Africa, Paris, Italy, Israel... ..type='hidden' name='question9' value='Country+you+want+to+visit%3F'..type='hidden' name='type9' value='1'
Way you want to die? This question is whacked, BUT...if I had to choose, I'd like to die peacefully in my sleep in old age..type='hidden' name='question10' value='Way+you+want+to+die%3F'..type='hidden' name='type10' value='1'
Do you like thunderstorms? Sometimes..type='hidden' name='question11' value='Do+you+like+thunderstorms%3F'..type='hidden' name='type11' value='1'
Get along w/ parents? Sometimes..type='hidden' name='question12' value='Get+along+w%2F+parents%3F'..type='hidden' name='type12' value='1'
Health freak? More than you'd illnesses keep me from being as much as I'd like..type='hidden' name='question13' value='Health+freak%3F'..type='hidden' name='type13' value='1'
Think you're attractive? Honestly...yeah....could be better....could be worse..type='hidden' name='question14' value='Think+you%5C%27re+attractive%3F'..type='hidden' name='type14' value='1'
Been in love? ABSOLUTELY..type='hidden' name='question15' value='Been+in+love%3F'..type='hidden' name='type15' value='1'
Do you sing/dance? Both..type='hidden' name='question16' value='Do+you+sing%2Fdance%3F'..type='hidden' name='type16' value='1'
Want to get married? YES..type='hidden' name='question17' value='Want+to+get+married%3F'..type='hidden' name='type17' value='1'
Want children? Yes, but it's up to God..type='hidden' name='question18' value='Want+children%3F'..type='hidden' name='type18' value='1'
Have future kids' names picked out? No..type='hidden' name='question19' value='Have+future+kids%5C%27+names+picked+out%3F'..type='hi dden' name='type19' value='1'
Have you lost your virginity? Yes..type='hidden' name='question20' value='Have+you+lost+your+virginity%3F'..type='hidden' name='type20' value='1'
If not, when do you want to? Recommited to wait 'til marriage..type='hidden' name='question21' value='If+not%2C+when+do+you+want+to%3F'..type='hidden' name='type21' value='1'
Hate anyone? No....Dislike? YES..type='hidden' name='question22' value='Hate+anyone%3F'..type='hidden' name='type22' value='1'
..type='hidden' name='question23' value='FAVORITES'..type='hidden' name='type23' value='2'
Food? Italian, Chinese, Southern..type='hidden' name='question24' value='Food%3F'..type='hidden' name='type24' value='1'
Candy? Anything gummi..type='hidden' name='question25' value='Candy%3F'..type='hidden' name='type25' value='1'
Flavor? Cherry..type='hidden' name='question26' value='Flavor%3F'..type='hidden' name='type26' value='1'
Color? Blue..type='hidden' name='question27' value='Color%3F'..type='hidden' name='type27' value='1'
Animal? White tiger..type='hidden' name='question28' value='Animal%3F'..type='hidden' name='type28' value='1'
Drink? Water..type='hidden' name='question29' value='Drink%3F'..type='hidden' name='type29' value='1'
Alcoholic drink? When I drank, "Sex on the Beach"..type='hidden' name='question30' value='Alcoholic+drink%3F'..type='hidden' name='type30' value='1'
Season? Spring/Fall..type='hidden' name='question31' value='Season%3F'..type='hidden' name='type31' value='1'
Body part on opposite sex? 3-way tie...eyes, torso, & butt..type='hidden' name='question32' value='Body+part+on+opposite+sex%3F'..type='hidden' name='type32' value='1'
..type='hidden' name='question33' value='THIS+or+THAT'..type='hidden' name='type33' value='2'
Pepsi or Coke? Pepsi..type='hidden' name='question34' value='Pepsi+or+Coke%3F'..type='hidden' name='type34' value='1'
McDonalds or BK? BK..type='hidden' name='question35' value='McDonalds+or+BK%3F'..type='hidden' name='type35' value='1'
Hot or Iced Tea? Depends on mood..type='hidden' name='question36' value='Hot+or+Iced+Tea%3F'..type='hidden' name='type36' value='1'
Chocolate or Vanilla? CHOCOLATE...usually..type='hidden' name='question37' value='Chocolate+or+Vanilla%3F'..type='hidden' name='type37' value='1'
Hot Chocolate or Coffee? Coffee...if it's frozen..type='hidden' name='question38' value='Hot+Chocolate+or+Coffee%3F'..type='hidden' name='type38' value='1'
Kiss or Hug? Depends.....type='hidden' name='question39' value='Kiss+or+Hug%3F'..type='hidden' name='type39' value='1'
Cat or Dog? Both..type='hidden' name='question40' value='Cat+or+Dog%3F'..type='hidden' name='type40' value='1'
Love or Money? LOVE..type='hidden' name='question41' value='Love+or+Money%3F'..type='hidden' name='type41' value='1'
..type='hidden' name='question42' value='YOUR...'..type='hidden' name='type42' value='2'
Bedtime? Whenever I go to sleep..type='hidden' name='question43' value='Bedtime%3F'..type='hidden' name='type43' value='1'
Most missed memory? If I knew, it wouldn't be missing..type='hidden' name='question44' value='Most+missed+memory%3F'..type='hidden' name='type44' value='1'
Best physical feature? Eyes..type='hidden' name='question45' value='Best+physical+feature%3F'..type='hidden' name='type45' value='1'
First thought waking up? I want to go back to sleep..type='hidden' name='question46' value='First+thought+waking+up%3F'..type='hidden' name='type46' value='1'
Best friend(s)? Stacia..type='hidden' name='question47' value='Best+friend%28s%29%3F'..type='hidden' name='type47' value='1'
Fears? That I'll die & leave my daughter motherless & in the hands of her father..type='hidden' name='question48' value='Fears%3F'..type='hidden' name='type48' value='1'
Heritage? Cherokee Indian, German, Irish..type='hidden' name='question49' value='Heritage%3F'..type='hidden' name='type49' value='1'
Longest relationship? About 1 yr..type='hidden' name='question50' value='Longest+relationship%3F'..type='hidden' name='type50' value='1'
..type='hidden' name='question51' value='HAVE+YOU+EVER...'..type='hidden' name='type51' value='2'
Drank/Been Drunk? A few times..type='hidden' name='question52' value='Drank%2FBeen+Drunk%3F'..type='hidden' name='type52' value='1'
Smoked? About 3 yrs...QUIT 3 yrs ago..type='hidden' name='question53' value='Smoked%3F'..type='hidden' name='type53' value='1'
Done drugs? Quite a bit before my daughter..type='hidden' name='question54' value='Done+drugs%3F'..type='hidden' name='type54' value='1'
Been beaten up? NO..type='hidden' name='question55' value='Been+beaten+up%3F'..type='hidden' name='type55' value='1'
Beat someone up? I let loose on this boy in Junior High once...wouldv'e been in a couple "chic fights" if I hadn't been stopped..type='hidden' name='question56' value='Beat+someone+up%3F'..type='hidden' name='type56' value='1'
Been dumped? NO...I'm the dumper..type='hidden' name='question57' value='Been+dumped%3F'..type='hidden' name='type57' value='1'
..type='hidden' name='question58' value='IN+A+GUY%2FGIRL'..type='hidden' name='type58' value='2'
Eye color? Any...really like blue & green..type='hidden' name='question59' value='Eye+color%3F'..type='hidden' name='type59' value='1'
Hair color? Any...seem to be drawn to dark haired men..type='hidden' name='question60' value='Hair+color%3F'..type='hidden' name='type60' value='1'
Hair style? Short..type='hidden' name='question61' value='Hair+style%3F'..type='hidden' name='type61' value='1'
Height? Really don't care as long as they're AT LEAST my height..type='hidden' name='question62' value='Height%3F'..type='hidden' name='type62' value='1'
Style? Any...not really into punk or goth..type='hidden' name='question63' value='Style%3F'..type='hidden' name='type63' value='1'
Personality? Caring, romantic, honest, playful, funny, passionate.....type='hidden' name='question64' value='Personality%3F'..type='hidden' name='type64' value='1'
Drugs? NO..type='hidden' name='question65' value='Drugs%3F'..type='hidden' name='type65' value='1'
Alcohol? NO/Rarely..type='hidden' name='question66' value='Alcohol%3F'..type='hidden' name='type66' value='1'
Religion? Christian..type='hidden' name='question68' value='Religion%3F'..type='hidden' name='type68' value='1'
Body type? Any...prefer athletic/ripped..type='hidden' name='question69' value='Body+type%3F'..type='hidden' name='type69' value='1'
..type='submit' value='Take This Survey'
span.blacktext12 { visibility:visible !important; background-color:transparent;

My Interests




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Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching people to love, but to use violence to get what they want. That's why the greatest destroyer of peace is abortion. - Mother Teresa

Dear Visitor,

I want to let you know that I do not show the following videos to be grotesque or offensive. I only wish to put the truth out there. Plz, take the time to watch them think about it.

For more information ..ion, plz visit Abortion NO or Abort 73

Need someone to talk to?

The HopeLines are open from 6pm - 1am central time, 7 days a week. There are 2 ways you can contact the HopeLine:

1. Call 1-800-394-HOPE to talk with a trained staff member
2. Chat with a trained staff member at the HopeLine

Note: The following videos are extremely graphic! View at your own discretion.

Favorite Activities:

Volleyball, swimming, computer, reading, sleeping, listening to music, movies, SPENDING TIME W/ MY DAUGHTER...

I'd like to meet:

WOW! There's so many people I'd like to meet. I guess, at the top of that list would be...

1. JC a.k.a. JESUS CHRIST!!

Jesus is MY Savior, MY rock, MY friend, MY lighthouse... I don't believe that we will ever be where we should be in our relationship with Him but should never stop trying to get closer to Him and become more "God-like". So, it shouldn't surprise you when I say that I'm not where I'd like to be & am constantly working to get there.

My favorite scripture is Psalm 139:1-3...

"O Lord, thou hast searched me, and known me."

"Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off."

"Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways."

2. My Soul Mate:

Before I even start a relationship, I believe we should be friends 1st & foremost. I believe that's 1/4 of the foundation to any successful long-term relationship/marriage. The other 3/4 being God, which takes me to what I look for...

First and foremost, I'm looking for a man that loves God and is NOT afraid to worship Him!

Secondly, I want a man who can/will love me AND my daughter unconditionally/loves me for me...

Thirdly, I look for quality traits like such as...a man that is honest, loyal/faithful, trusting, trustworthy, humorous (very important quality to me), responsible, mature (immature at right time), goal-oriented, educated, have a job, hard workin', not hot tempered, understanding, caring, supportive, romantic, defensive/protective of his family, passionate, sensitive...I'd love to find a man that can sing...I've always dreamed of being sung to at my wedding...a man that is a bit a DIYer...

Some things I tend to find attractive in men are..."Crotch-rockets", men in service, earrings (in moderation), necklaces, SOME body piercings...

If you think you have what it takes, then get at me!!

3. Jeremy Camp
4. Carrie Underwood
5. Casting Crowns
6. Joyce Meyers
7. Angelina Jolie
8. Heath Ledger
9. Holly Marie Combs a.k.a. "Piper"
10. ...and MUCH, MUCH MORE!


I like all kinds of music. It really just depends on the song itself. I have to admit. I do tend to be partial to R & B and 80's, but it just depends on my mood really. You can find just a FEW of my fav songs in my favorite videos section. So, feel free to check them out. Some of my fav artist are Casting Crowns, Mercy Me, Rascal Flatts, Ashley Parker Angel, Fantasia, Beyonce, Jaci Velasquez, Rihanna, Journey, Chicago... I'll also be including a few below soon. ENJOY!


I just about anything that doesn't have a bunch of cussing & nudity, but my favs are definitely comedy, action/drama, & scary. Just a few of my fav movies are Step Up, Mrs. Doubtfire, The Color Purple, Left Behind Trilogy, Fast & Furious (esp Tokyo Drift), Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, Titanic, Shallow Hal, Something About Mary, Dumb & Dumber, Ace Ventura When Nature Calls, Underworld I & II, Blade I & II, How Stella Got Her Groove Back, 10 Things I Hate About You, When A Stranger Calls, The Lord of Rings Trilogy, Save The Last Dance, Forrest Gump, First Knight, A Knight's Tale, The Patriot, Bloodsport, Romeo & Juliet, Erin Brockovich, Runaway Bride, Stepmom, Notting Hill, Pretty Woman, Big Mamma's House, Madea's Family Reunion, DISNEY Made-for-TV movies (i.e. Halloweentown, Cheetah Girls, Lizzie McGuire Movie...), Lifetime Movies, & MANY MORE!!


There are a ton of things I like to watch. SOME of them are...

Types: Reality, True Stories, Comedy, Medical, Drama, Action, Talk Show, Religious, Cartoons, Family, Music, Romance, Home Improvement...

Channels: Lifetime, Comedy Central, ABC, ABCFamily, NBC, CBS, FoodNetwork, Fox, TLC, Discovery Health, CW, Disney, Nickelodeon, BET, Oxygen, We, TBS, TNT, WGN, HGTV, Fx, Game Show Network...

Shows: Miami Ink, Extreme Makeover Home Edition, Supernanny/a, American Idol (esp the tryouts...HILARIOUS), Kyle XY, Hogan Knows Best, Wildfire, ER, Grey's Anatomy, Supernanny, Dr. Phil, The Tyra Banks Show, Comic View, Mind of Mencia, CSI, House, Strong Medicine, 7th Heaven, Drake & Josh, Brandy & Mr. Whiskers, House of Babies, Trading Spouses, ...


HOLY BIBLE, Left Behind Series, Where the Heart Is, Family Tree...LOTS that I can't think of. I tend to prefer ones that are religious/moral lessons & teachings, about health issues, has a story line similar to problems we face today (i.e. racism, teen pregnancy...).


FIRST & foremost, my HEAVENLY FATHER. Second, my precious angel - my daughter, Kia.