Gregg Kowalsky resides in Oakland, California where he completed a Master of Fine Arts degree in Electronic Music and Recording Media at Mills College. Kowalsky’s compositions range from drone and noise pieces to meditative psychedelia, which are highly influenced by the thick, humid air of South Florida where Gregg lived for most of his life. After his debut album, Through the Cardial Window (Kranky), Gregg started working with cassette tapes, sine oscillators, mixer feedback, contact mics, etc... His recent series of Tape Chants explores the acoustics where the performances occur by setting up cassette players around the space, using only the cassette players' speakers for amplification. Throughout the piece, Gregg moves around the space adjusting the amplitude of the players as a live mix. The first incarnation of Tape Chants was released in 2007 called Tape Chants A Million (Rootstrata).Kowalsky has had the opportunity to perform throughout Europe and the United States over the past several years. He participated in festivals such as WDR’s SoundArt-Köln Festival, Sonar, OFFF (Online Flash-Film Festival) and The Nursery Summer Festival in Sweden. His recordings have released on Kranky, Rootstrata, Kning Disk, Nosordo, Ruralfaune and others. He has composed for dance, sound installations, film and acoustic ensembles.In Fall of 2007, Root Strata will release a one-sided LP of his piece Tendrils In Vigne (performed by the Contemporary Performance Ensemble) at Mills College.Gregg is currently recording the follow up to Through the Cardial Window for Kranky among other works in progress....
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