Bambam Babylon Bajasch profile picture

Bambam Babylon Bajasch

et kütt wie et kütt.

About Me

OUT NOW, 60MIN.CD 20PAGES BOOKLET !!! brand new 6track DJ material: --------------------------
-Bambam Babylon Bajasch, kumm ajain CD with sixteen songs, Basspräsidium Rec. BP003 -Bambam Babylon Bajasch, s/t LP/CD-R with eight songs, Basspräsidium Rec. BP001. -Bambam Babylon Bajasch, finest brewed dubplates 12" with six songs, sozialistischer Plattenbau -Dubcore7" vol.6, muelltonn crew, sozialistischer Plattenbau -LFO Demon, one love remix, Sprengstoff13 -Klangforschung remixed 7", one edit, Silvata001 -Kurt, rmxd 12", two edits, X-Mist -Werle&Stankowski, the sound of my guitar 12", one edit, Haute Areal -Es war in Schanghai, Kompilation CD/DVD with one rework from the Colognian Edelweiß-Piraten, NS-Documentary-Center.

My Interests


Member Since: 11/19/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Bambam Belay: produces with computer and turntables. plays with samples on stage. already known from the "Lords op d`r Rhing".
Desmond Denker: produces with computer and synths. plays with knobs and keys live. already wanted for "Oliver Twist Band".
Doc D2N8: sings in anglo-colognian. likes freestyling. plays breakcore music very loud and brews beer. built up by the "Radioactive Toys".
Luciano Sarotti: sings deep in English. also likes freestyling. flashy by his size. inspired by "I&I sound".
Zillus: sings and talks and writes and sings. he never sleeps. dirty dressed with "Eigelstein Royal".
Bomb Marley: flaky electronic device. approved by the dub-sound of "Roots`n`Fruits Hifi".
Sounds Like:Bambam Babylon Bajasch - mülltonn crewBambam Babylon Bajasch - kum indi jängBambam Babylon Bajasch - we want royals rmx (live!)The Böllerkommando - Karneval Brutal Special - liveBreakcore ragga mosh at Abnormaal 2
Record Label: Basspräsidium Records/sozialistischer Plattenbau
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


hallo everybody, this is actually the first day I find the time to write something down here, to keep you informed somehow. our days are filled with impressions and our nights are short. I am sitting ...
Posted by Bambam Babylon Bajasch on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 07:16:00 PST

das ist ja alles schön & gut hier. funktioniert meistens - gutes tool.aber wieso sind hier eigentlich alle nett zueinander?jeder möchte gemocht werden. total open-minded, spritzig und lieb sein.dabei ...
Posted by Bambam Babylon Bajasch on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 03:42:00 PST

my space & hartz IV

was für eine digitale Spirale, Teufels oder Engels, das muß sich noch zeigen. Du trinkst, Du spliffst, Du stehst spät auf. Du trinkst Cafe und schaltest den Computer an.und dann sind da diese myspace-...
Posted by Bambam Babylon Bajasch on Fri, 31 Mar 2006 03:08:00 PST