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The Shadow Show

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I love to do things that are artistic. I enjoy music and that is why I created Shadow Radio. Heard in countries all over the world I have helped bands get noticed and have met others from around the world. If you have a band and think you deserve to be heard contact me and let's get things rolling for you. Passionate and driven to be more than I came into the world with.

Take a look at this new movie. Tell them you saw their advertisement on Shadow Radio.

I also like to help those in need around the world. Besides my orphanage in Cambodia I support YOUTH AGAINST POVERTY as well as ONE.ORG...

My Interests

Playing good music.

I'd like to meet:

I am looking for bands that want to be on my internet radio station as well as other entertainers, political figures, and other interesting people. Check out and find my internet station. Hope you like it. Let me know. I enjoy the feedback. BTW No commercials and no boring chatter. Just music 24/7 no repeat for over a day and a half at least. Damn you mean you dont have to hear the same song every hour? Get the F@CK out of here :)

P.S. Shadow Radio also supports Shadow Orphanage in Cambodia. 10% of everything we do here goes to the children at this orphanage for a chance for a better life. By supporting us you also give a child a chance to achieve their dreams and know that they are not alone in this world. Thank you all that have supported us and for those who will support us in the future.
Musicians and Bands click the icon above for and see what we have created to help you. All others click there for things you need and want to buy. Christmas is just around the corner. Perfect time to go to SHADOWINDUSTRIESSERVICES!!!!!


Like everything that is good to my ear. EXAMPLE NIN well the old stuff anyway VNV Nation, Apoptygma Berzerk, Covenant, Snoop Dogg, Kool and the Gang, Sisters of Mercy, Leonard Cohen, Don McLean, Skinny Puppy, KMFDM, Depeche Mode, Erasure, Lords of Acid, Head Crash... Did I mention that I own my own internet radio station :) Shadowindustries dot com can help you find it... Oh and I like so much more music but I dont think I can add it all here... But if there is any on here you never heard of before and you are tired of boring Hip Hop and Boybands you should contact me...


True Romance, Amadeus, Dark Crystal, Reservoir Dogs and many many more. Really too much to mention here... Hope some make you want to know more about me... Oh but those pompous movie people can stay away :P Just because its foreign doesnt mean its good :)


Sci fi stuff and comedy like South Park. Otherwise Sports and news. Heres where I am simple :D


I read Moby Dick. Damn that was a long book. I liked Good Omens, Bad Omens, I have read stuff I didn't have to read in High School and College and even though some of them I didn't like I completed them anyway. That's just how I am. I have been writing a few of my own books as well as an opera. Be nice if my stuff could be read since I think my stories are more interesting than some of the things I have read in my time. I like Jim Morrison poems though some are out there. Just read your brain will thank you later...


John Lennon though he wasn't the best husband. Ghandi for obvious reasons. People that get things done. Those who help others when they have nothing and are not trying to get in the paper. Spiderman. ...and me... well everyone needs a hero I might as well be yours...

My Blog

The Shadow Show 45...Welcome New listeners...and old friends...

The Shadow Show 45... No veal because we won't be back next week...and have you seen the price of veal??? It's so expensive and the taste... but I digressWe would like to give a shout out to JAzzy fro...
Posted by The Shadow Show on Sun, 29 Jun 2008 12:45:00 PST

The Shadow Show 44...

The Shadow Show 44...and uninvited guests...Segment One Politics: We were all on time this week...Obama's speech on Father's Day, he also picks Hilary Clinton's ex-campaign manager which is a big Efff...
Posted by The Shadow Show on Sun, 22 Jun 2008 07:07:00 PST

The Shadow Show 43...

The Shadow Show 43 No time for special guest call-ins we had enough to keep us busy this week...Segment One Politics: McCain in NYC wanting Obama to have town meeting style debates with him...McCain o...
Posted by The Shadow Show on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 07:11:00 PST

The Shadow Show 43...

The Shadow Show 43 No time for special guest call-ins we had enough to keep us busy this week...Segment One Politics: McCain in NYC wanting Obama to have town meeting style debates with him...McCain o...
Posted by The Shadow Show on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 07:12:00 PST

The Shadow Show 42... No special guests just special information...

Welcome boys and girls to another exhilerating segment of the Shadow Show 42Segment One Politics: We play Obama's victory speech and talk about that and talk about Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton bei...
Posted by The Shadow Show on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 05:45:00 PST

The Shadow Show 41.. It’s not a tumor...

The Shadow Show 41 A show for the ages...Segment One Politics: Hillary makes unwittingly comments about RFK and Obama that makes one think she is calling for an assasination...Former Bush Whitehouse P...
Posted by The Shadow Show on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 09:17:00 PST

The Shadow Show 40.. Bigger Brighter and What the Fuck are you doing...

Segment One Politics: Hillary still at it running a campaign that is over except she is a sore loser and won't throw in the towel. She claims that for every victory it shows she should stay in while f...
Posted by The Shadow Show on Mon, 26 May 2008 10:45:00 PST

The Shadow Show 39...Special guests: The Zombie Hunters director Patrick Devaney and more...

The Prodigal son returns... Onile is in the house...Segment One Politics: Even though Hillary lost something like 11 states in a row she believes that he measley 3 victories in 3 states counts for the...
Posted by The Shadow Show on Sun, 18 May 2008 03:44:00 PST

The Shadow Show 38...Special guests: Hillary Clinton, George Bush, and Muhhamad

The Shadow Show without the prodigal son Onile.Segment One Politics: Shadow talks about Obama and the latest news on the primaries and then has an interview with Hillary Clinton. Very stimulating and ...
Posted by The Shadow Show on Mon, 12 May 2008 03:47:00 PST

The Shadow Show 37...

Slammin into another Shadow Show episode we admit we have had some technical difficulties and yet we are still professional. That said "fuck" our landlord... he broke the cardinal rule to never interr...
Posted by The Shadow Show on Sun, 04 May 2008 01:20:00 PST