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Everyone! We are throwing a Punk party and all are invited, like the Masque we wouldn’t think of discriminating. So come scenesters, skaters, photographers, groupies, fans, pill-poppers, promoters, booze hounds, loud mouths, poets, painters, scumbags, weirdos, band members, revolutionists and Punk historians. Anyone who can regale us with sordid tales of debauchery and mayhem from back in the day is welcome here. Remember this site is for the fans so feel free to post pictures and write blogs to recognize over 30 years of Punk rock. We hope you’ll run into some old friends and perhaps make a few new ones.A ‘Fallen Comrades’ section is located in the left column for those who have passed on so if there are any names you feel should be added please email us and we will update accordingly.
The Screamers, The Weirdos, The Germs, The Skulls, The Controllers, The Deadbeats, The Bags, The Eyes, The Alley Cats, The Dickies, The Avengers, F-Word, Black randy, X, The Dils, Black Flag, The Zeros, The Go-Go's, The Nerves, The Mau Maus, The Berlin Brats, Geza X, Catholic Discipline, FEAR, The Plugz
This profile was edited with Thomas' Myspace Editor V3.2b
Brendan Mullen, Geza X, Dawn Wirth , a Phast Phreddie, Greta Emeryhttp://www.tranceworks.com/masque.html***FALLEN COMRADES - RIP***Jan Paul Beahm (AKA Darby Crash), Claude Bessy (AKA Kickboy Face), John Jackie Morris (AKA Black Randy), Jane King, Jeffrey Lee Pierce, Tomata Du Plenty, Craig Lee, Top Jimmy, D Boon, Muriel Cervenka, Rob Ritter, Rik L Rik, Cliff Hanger, Chuck Wagon, Frank Blank, Mick "Sten Gun" Wallace, Marc Moreland, John Richey, David Way, Dave Dakron, Ian Icon, Chuck Halsey aka Rockbottom, Joel Martines, Micheal "Maicol Sinatra" Schwartz, Richard "Snickers" Scott, Jules Bates, Dee Cochrane, Tony Tiger, Daniel Nichol, Steven "Stevo" Jenson, El Duce, Bianca Halstead, Dave Bratton, Dave Wright, Dennis Danell, Hillel Slovak, Marc Rude, Pat Brown, Rozz Williams, Todd Barnes, Donnie Rose, Bosco Danford, Herb Wrede