Horror, Music, My Friends, My Family, Travellin the World, Art, And the Unexplainable be it Supernatural, Alien or Otherwise....writing, the Widerness inside and out My sons Alex and Adam i love them to Death. ROWAN ELLIOT ANGEL ROESSLER. Beautiful women who are not afraid to be who they are. More to be revealed...to explore life as it presents itself and follow where it leads. The path it turns ahead and i can not foresee what comes next but i will put one foot in front of the other and continue forward to meet what lies ahead.....
First and foremost myself. All my old friends and all my new friends. Especially you. The dark damaged fragments of the whole soul that once existed those that will complete me and make me whole again. I am drawn to the shattered ones to beautiful lives that have suffered and are still here living lives that have meaning creating beauty in their wake. Please send me a message with your friend request because if you want to be my friend i'd like to know who you are first....
The Germs, Bright Eyes, Elliot Smith, Mark Curry, Nine Inch Nails, New York Dolls, T-REX, Old Bowie, Old Neil Young, Velvet Underground, The Cure, Weirdos, X, The Damned, the Deadboys, Zodiac Mindwarp and The Love Reaction, early Marilyn Manson, iggy, billy holiday, Johnny Cash, Sex Pistols, Punk Rock, Guns and Roses, Janis Joplin, Hole, Leonard Cohen, pinhead gunpowder The Diffs, dark depressing sexy music.....and stuff you can dance to.
i don't have the time these days...
Too many to mention.. 48 Laws of Power, Endurance, Hyperion Cantos, H.P. Lovecraft, Poe, Anything by phillip k dick, Fight Club and all chuck p's books, The history of hell, Camus, I can''t really list them i own about 300 books and i go to the library and i'm always giving them away...i am now reading lucrecia borgia.
Please what does that mean?? As a child and teenager I wanted to be a junkie, an outlaw, a theif and to make you afraid of me... Well I did it all and I'm still standing and not too worse for wear soooo.... flawed as i am i answer to no one and who needs heroes anyway?