expediently out of place profile picture

expediently out of place

Welcome to Expediently Out of Place

About Me

Thank you for entering a place where you write your own message in the stars... where anything is possible... where life is worth living. Imagination meets innocence meets wisdom meets curiosity meets trouble meets strength... where i try to write about who i am and if i get your seal of approval great; and if not, ditto. clap clap clap. Ready? Where else do i start but at the beginning... My name is Katy, I have my debut album that i am finishing up, called "Expediently Out of Place". I am a singer/songwriter from Connecticut. I am a self-proclaimed nerd of philosophy and I ask way too many questions but because i do am very knowledgable... and very curious. To me, if you're alive, you have to be curious... if not, you're not that much fun are you!! I'm also a beach bum and love watching my poodle/yorkie mix, Skippy Milo Eskimopie (Gibbeous Copernicus Cornelius when he's mis-behaving) swim in the water... and run along the breakwater.. Skippy & i always walk home covered in sand and smelling like salt water and i love it. Skippy is a very good judge of character with the male species... and I know that he will help me find love and weed out the sh*tty @sshole dweeby jerks that are out there. Too bad i like to challenge him b/c i tend to like the bad boys.. but i'm a musician, so that's okay isn't it?!!! hmmmm. anyways...I think it's so important to honor the simple things in life. you know, when you sit back and enjoy everything you have (family, health, the warmth of the sunshine, the huge smile on your dog's face when they see you come home, the pint of coconut sorbet you have in the freezer) and relish in positive energy and gratefulness for what you do have... rather than focus your energy on what you want to have... don't get me wrong, i know that it is human nature to always want-want-want and i think that dreaming is a good thing... it keeps you striving and keeps life so exciting. but when that want-want-want is an anxious energy and you spend too much time living in the future, you waste away the present... and that's all we really have anyway isn't it... the present, the here and now. that's why i strive to make each and every moment in each and every day the best it can be... and i take time to smell the roses and laugh and be goofy and even sometimes doing nothing at all has a million little somethings. that, is something i live for... those little somethings. I love all creatures... i even save ants when i can... i am a genuine, good-hearted, ruthlessly stubborn at times but i look at being stubborn as being determined and not settling (it's all a matter of perception) and it makes me feel empowered to see the good in all my qualities.I have so much in my life that i am grateful for: the most extraordinarily talented twin sister that is my pride and joy, 3 incredible older brothers who always would stand guard with their beebee guns and kungfoo fighting kicks ready looking out for their 'little sisters', and 2 wonderful parents who continue to amaze me by their humbleness, intelligence, and generosity. As you can see, my family means the world to me. It's one place i know i belong.Being a twin is a resource of unconditional love that you are always drawing from to replenish and constantly reaffirm the value of your self-worth, your belonging, the power of your dreams, the genuine goodness of the world, and the bit of knowledge that you are somebody's world and they are yours. It's always having somebody there, who understands you, loves you just the way you are, who will always no matter what, and who is a best friend who is loyal to no end, that will keep you grounded and in line when you drift one direction, and you do the same for her, that steadies every step you take int this great big world... who makes you feel confident and that anything is possible, someone you share an outerworldly connection with.... and i'm not supposed to end the sentence with a preposition but it's THAT amazing. There is not a day that goes by that I do not thank God for blessing me with such a k*ckass cool twin sister. We were on SCI-FI for telepathy... we can read eachother's minds, it was scientifically proven, and we are also highly intuitive with others as well. I'm a very good judge of character and know more than a lot of people could guess... sometimes i like to just sit behind the scenes and blend in though:) You may think you have a good idea of what it's like, but you can't really grasp the true concept in its all its glory unless you are a twin. I have struggled with identity a lot when I was younger. When you're a twin, you have people... random strangers sometimes... picking apart your 'differences'... or labeling one as being one way and the other as being the other extreme. Sometimes its complimentary sometimes its ignorant sometimes its just plain mean. Who is the wild one? Who is the quiet one? I like you better. You're prettier... oh man, the list goes on and on. And they are talking about you and the one that you knew before you were even born... the one you had been communicating with and protecting and caring for before you even had a breath of life. It definitely tugs on the identity when all this comparison happens at such a young age, before you are even walking around with a solid identity... while your identity is developing... so when others label you as "this" or "that" you sometimes rebel and want to be the other way... and sometimes it makes you struggle even harder to know who you are... to dig within the tunnels of your own soul and pick out artifacts of your own authenticity, your own soul, your true colors as you see them and as you feel them. That is why i have such a strong identity now, i am 100% sure of it. I now have hindsight, which comes with age and wisdom, and i can articulate what it was like... full circle. Therefore, a lot of my music deals with identity... questioning and discovery.The truth is that i've always felt a little out of place... but when i grow and learn and realize that life is a learning experience, it seems that all the times i felt like i didn't belong... maybe i was "exactly" where i was supposed to be... to live, to learn, to grow, and to experience what my soul needs to experience... to get from one lillypad rock to another so-to-speak.i have such a love for communication... writing... articulating... standing on my own 2 feet and standing up for what i believe in... i get very excited when i'm able to put exactly what i'm thinking down onto paper and into melody...Do you know that my song "The Sweetest Apple" was written in the shower on a crumpled piece of paper that i placed on the toilet lid.. i kept going in and out of the shower to add words and the paper became drenched with water droplets and steam... and then i went to my bedroom to finish the last lines... that is how my music is born... from a thought... and once that thought comes it flows like a stream... and it's up to me to have a piece of paper and pen handy so that i'm able to capture it... ALL OF IT... in raw form.And, i love singing... it is my passion... gets me thru the tough times... and makes the good times that much better. My voice is comes straight from this fire in my belly... it's a roaring fire and it warms my entire soul.Who would've thought that vocal chords would be such a powerful part of the body... they invoke emotion, establish intensity, and control feelings... So yes, to me, songs are much more than their lyrics... it's the melody and delivery and vocal structure that is so important; for that is what you are left with at the end of the song.I am very blessed to have discovered that my passion and gift for writing and singing is actually something i am good at! Gifts are meant to be opened so i'm opening mine and sharing with all of you.Right now I only have "The Sweetest Apple" up there, but soon I will have the other 8 songs that are on my debut album.I'm looking for a record label, artist management, etc, so please contact me if you have anything to offer me! Advice is always good too... I'm brand spanking new at this!I wish the absolute best for every single one of you that is on my site, giving me one of the most precious gifts of all... your time. Stay tuned because this story is just beginning baby!! i have a lot of life in me, good things are in store...Be well. Shining light to you...Much love,expediently out of place(Edit)
My album, and the story of my life.More to come so keep checking back.

My Interests


Member Since: 5/25/2008
Band Members:

Influences: Please keep your eyes out for my debut album "Expediently Out of Place" coming to a store near you in September 2008! Also, please check out my twin sister's music site (under "Nymph" on my friendlist)! And my latest inspiration is the American Idol David Cook, who inspires me with his humble authenticity, and of course, my music influences include: Kurt Cobain, Neil Young, Ray Lamontagne, Leonard Cohen, The Killers, Fiona Apple, Tori Amos, Gwen Stefani, U2, Jeff Buckley, Damien Rice, Staind, Johnny Cash, Fergie, The Smiths, Bob Marley, Natti Love Joys, Phish, Jimi Hendrix, Coldplay, Joss Stone, Janis Joplin, Depeche Mode, STS9, Les Claypool, Sanders Bohlke, Norah Jones, Bjork, Bob Dylan, Galactic
Sounds Like: I can't honestly write this without my stomach in knots. I feel like this is self-righteous, patting yourself on the back, ego-central section, so this is left up to interpretation.Since this may affect people's searches though on myspace and such, I will give in and think of some artists:I have been told on a few of my songs that I sound like Joss Stone, Norah Jones, Jewel, Fiona Apple, Tori Amos, and Bjork.
Record Label: Unsigned
Type of Label: None