♥ ZyRa ♥ profile picture

♥ ZyRa ♥

u think u know.. but u have no idea...

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

BraNdOn Boyd.. MatthEw GoodE.. aLex bAnd.. oRLandO bLoOm.. AshtOn kutCheR.. etc etc.. =D


rHythM And bLuES!!! aLso sOme aLtErnAtivE!

Pussycat Dolls - Buttons (ft. Snoop Dogg)
Provided by VideoCodes4U


LOTR trilogy.. Harry Potter.. Legally Blonde 1n2.. Spiderman 1n2.. Chasing Liberty.. American Pie.. 10 things i hate about u.. How to Lose A Guy in 10 Days.. Never Been Kissed.. Exorcist.. The Ring.. The Grudge.. etc etc..


cArtooNs [LikE powErpuFf giRLS aNd spOngEbOb! =)] comEdy ShowS [friEnds, Sex & thE city, BeCkeR] NationaL gEogrAhiC dOcumentarieS.. aNd oh.. mah favOriTe.. CSI! =P


i dOnt reAd bOokS AnymOre... wEeEeeeeEeee...


JennifeR LopEz.. NicoLe aNd pAriS.. BeyOncE.. etC.. =P