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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

i'm just a simple happy guy, i luv playin basketball, goin out & havin' fun & watchin' movies and DvD' s playin'video games and surfing on the net.I LoVe playin' games like ah... BASKETBALL and anything I just want to become hApPy and sImPlE. And I wAnT 2 fInIsH mY eDuCatIoN bacause educatION iS impoRTANt and ThaT iS mY jOb oR mIsSiOn 2 BecOmE SuCcSsesful aNd have a GoOd LifE anD 2 ReAcH An adulT tO gEt A GoOd JoB and a good life.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:



RnB pOp rOck hiP HoP AlTeRnaTive


187 8 mile so close garfield HOT CHICK white chicks LOTR bruce almighty MATRIX 2pac resurrection Boat Trip The terminal 2fast 2furious


WWE MYX etc. MTV cribs MTV jams Slamball TNA AFV HBO


SLAM The Giver JLA wwe magazine HOOPS

My Blog

the brent wanna be's

Posted by josh on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 06:35:00 PST